Vyasapuja Offering

2 years, 1 month ago by Nick Delffs in Other

HpS - AgtSP. Please accept our humble obeisances.

Thank you for this annual report, birthday greeting.

Yet, the Annual Report is a simple form to be filled in here at the Blog.

To open it touch the Word 'Report' above.

It is mentioned in our original Guru-tattva document and must be filed by our Vyasapuja day.

Disciples can file later and we will look those Reports on Gaura-purnima.

For more general Vyasa-puja, birthday greetings we must ask people send them again later, after a few weeks or a month or so because we cannot look at them all immediately and we must clear them from our Blog folder so that we can see other timely news.

Thank you.

Look for you news soon.

So much to learn but it is eternal knowledge.

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On this very wonderful appearance day I reflect on you and your ever expanding qualities. Your honesty and realness is always so refreshing to us. Your humor and playfulness keeps us excited and allows us to swallow some bitter pills so easily. You make it all so palatable. 

Without my connection to you and my relationship with you, I would surely be very lost. Sixteen rounds everyday and strictly following the four principles is not easy but with your enthusiasm infecting us and with you connecting us to Prabhupada and the Parampara it seems possible. It’s such a long and windy road full of so many obstacles and pit falls but for the first time in my life I can feel that I am going in the right direction at least. Just by following you to the small degree that I am. 

We had a very nice ceremony for you at the temple today with so many illuminations of your character. Powerful and instructive stories about you were spoken, the kirtan was spirited and the prasadam was spiritually potent. Split pea soup, yellow rice, banana muffins, orange zest pudding with a small amount of black pepper;) and fried potatoes. 

The reoccurring theme of our discussions was your comment to my last blog entry: “ISKCON lives or dies on the service in the Boise temple” and the memories of how supportive you have been to us here was very emotional. 

The black witch (Maya/ depression) is always trying to tell me that this temple will fail and that we don’t have enough devotees to help. So many unhopeful speculations creep in but only by your mercy I can fight them off. With the sword of knowledge and sadana! And your powerful association through the internet air waves~

So much more to say but I will leave it at that. Thank you Maharaja for lifting us up and giving us hope for a real human life full of wonder and discovery. This Krsna consciousness movement is moving because of great souls like you. I am eternally indebted to you. 

Your aspiring servant, 

Nitisara das

P.S. Here is a picture that Aja and Braja made for you: