Vyasa Puja 2022

2 years ago by Bhakta Loren in Other

HpS - AgtSP. Please accept our humble obeisances.

Thank you for this annual report, birthday greeting.

Yet, the Annual Report is a simple form to be filled in here at the Blog.

To open it touch the Word 'Report' above.

It is mentioned in our original Guru-tattva document and must be filed by our Vyasapuja day.

Disciples can file later and we will look those Reports on Gaura-purnima.

For more general Vyasa-puja, birthday greetings we must ask people send them again later, after a few weeks or a month or so because we cannot look at them all immediately and we must clear them from our Blog folder so that we can see other timely news.

Thank you.

Look for you news soon.

So much to learn but it is eternal knowledge.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,  danvadant pranams!  

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.  

I hope you are feeling well and uplifted by the spiritual effulgence of the Lord’s presence.  Gurudeva I wanted to wish you a wonderful appearance day,  and wish to be one of many disciples thanking you for your mercy helping us to see and follow the path to surrendering to Krishna and serving the spiritual master and the Vaisnavas.  Gurudeva in reply to my annual report you asked that i become victorious.  

Divya jnan hrde prokasito,  prema bhakti jaha hoite avidya vinasa jate

Sri Guru Karuna Sindhu Adhama Janara Bandhu

Gurudeva Please bless us to never give up trying to surrender and offer everything back to the Lord.  Please bless us to take shelter of the vaisnava association we’ve found in iskcon,  finding a way to always improve our understanding of what Prabhupada came to give us,  and do what we can that others have the chance to do this.  On your appearance day i hope all your wishes are fufilled.  Thank you Gurudeva, for your mercy

Your servant,

Loka Bandhu Rama Das