A different Sri Vyasa puja

2 years, 2 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I hope this meets you in really good health and happy.

HpS/ASA - Spiritually or materially.


I can not picture yourself happier than in India nearby the holy places.

HpS/ASA - It is a fact. Just stopping and looking at things right now. There is very grand devotional Bhajan playing from one of the myriad of religious, cultural houses here. It is broadcast by loudspeaker.

Different groups are always having some program. The air is full of this music every day.

I thought it would stop after Kartika, but now Radha-kunda seems to be a 365-day/year Bhakti yoga center.

It gets cold, down to 7-degrees Celcius at night some times, but we can make it through without heating and in the day the Sun almost always burns off the fog and is warm to sit in its rays.

It is tough, bathing, doing Arati in the cold, but it pushes us to look for the warmth within.

We have a nice regular crew:

Vipini bhiari Das, Krsna Svarupa, Gaura-gadadhara and Vira-gopala Das, Smt. Tungavidya Devi Dasi (who just turned 25-years old Spiritually), Radha-pramodini and Sukadeva from BhSD Maharaja's Temple on the Kunda.

Ranchoor and Govinda.

Sri Hari, Mataji and Subhadra.

et al, et al. The regulated rush for Guru puja was a killer.

Like 75-emotional encounters daily.

Then so many people are coming. Tirtha kirti Das and Gauranga just grabbed a plane from Barcelona and then just came to Radha kunda and found us by asking people they met!

In the middle we do get some online work done: The movie, letters.

Few classes.

Hari Bolo.

Walk to THE KUNDA EVERY DAY and listen to what ourr feet have to say!!! Every time Earthly Vrndavana is becoming clearer!

We were supposed to have a very special Vyasa puja celebration today. Well, actually most of my Peruvian Godbrothers must be gathered at Jambavan's house. Yesterday my sister and I went to the hospital. Some prasadam was not in very good conditions apparently.

So now we are in bed, It is a different Vyasa Puja for me. Nevertheless, I am reflecting on many things. How to be grateful for every single predicament in life.

Respectable Sir, your very goodself represents a very important part of my life, of my youth, I guess that due to this foundation and with your mercy I could overcome many challenges in my life.

Within my heart I have just gratefullness for You, in a way my spiritual life is not as strong as it was before nevertheless there is still a flame, even if it is tenuous, I hope to fan it with my trip to Mexico

Right now political relations with Mexico are a bit strained. I hope that doesn't affect my trip

As I told you in my report I bought my ticket in the last fortnight of november.

I hope that you are enjoying this day. It is really nice to try to picture yourself surrounded by the holy atmosphere of India and his pure devotees.

Thanks again Gurudeva for everything

Hope to see you soon

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - Our donkey has an enflamed belly button. No pain, no itching. Our eyes and throat are always irritated.

The AQI now is 145 (unhealty). Lima is only 58 (healthy).

We have stomach aches a lot. Maybe ulcer. Maybe stomach cancer.

Almost impossible to get the exact diet we get when we cook for ourselves.

Ha Ha Hare! Is Maya doing her job? Making all the lunatics unhappy in the mental hospital?

Now we look a the Annual Reports