My secular world

2 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva


First of all, on the day of your Vysapuja, it only remains to tell you that you have given structure and flavor to my existence. Or rather, Krishna and Srila Prabhupada have bestowed that mercy on me through you. My gratitude to you is infinite, the Lord bless you for being that transparent medium.

In response to your question and without intending to hog your time,

ASA - 🐷

I will briefly tell you what I am doing in the "secular world".


  • As I told you before, I work in a School dedicated to the training of photographers, artists and videographers. I teach two courses there: Research Methods (2nd semester) and Professional Project (7th semester). The first is a classic research course aimed at developing technical skills for qualitative research from very diverse sources (visual, documentary and literary). The second is also a research space, prior to the development of the degree thesis but with a more critical and transversal approach, stringing together information and knowledge for the elaboration of a discourse linked to time and culture. Basically I teach my students to seek and ask in context.

  • Additionally, I lead a research on conceptualization processes based on cultural and experiential input (internal and external) and its translation into complex documentary and artistic visual statements (output) in the academic environment. The results will be published on a specialized platform.


  • I have been invited to present an artistic exhibition in Mexico, at the end of 2023. The project in question is related to the plasticity of memory and the interpretation we do from the past according to the demands of the present. Work will be featured in photography, video and installation art. At the same time, I will present the process and result to the Society for Artistic Research (based in the Netherlands) with the hope that they will carry out a peer review and publish my work in their dissemination spaces.

I beg you, help me find Krishna in the ins and outs of these activities. I beg Krishna and Balarama to help me continue with what you taught me.

*Regarding my request to do some translation for ASA, I am not familiar with the current activities so I would ask you to advise me on the matter.

Thank you very much Gurumaharaja.

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - Thank you. I think all of our Blog readers will take this as a challenge and stimulation in their own lives.

Of course, if Putin starts a nuclear war or we have a heart attack, then we have to think what of these endeavors we are taking with us.

Seems we can some.

The more they have high level significance!

Basically I would suggest to please stay in touch with NIOS, the Blog, comment and then see what professional projects come out of the developing relationship between NIOS and Bhaktivedanta Research Center.

Your work seems so nice for taking ourselves as the picture frame and Krsna (or His specific energetic incarnation as the taste of water) as the content of the picture!

Thank you.