Letter from an Academic Friend

2 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

[12/21, 9:09 PM] TC: How are you? Has Ravi come? Havir-bhu mataji is busy and the Bharati Society matter is pending for completion. I am not well. Namaskar

[12/22, 1:42 AM] H P Swami - Prof H H R : Jaya Sri Sri Guru, Gauranga!

Hare Krsna!!!

Hare Krsna!!!

We are recovering from our sojurn in Maya Samsara!

We must chant more constantly.

Radhika-ramana Das (and 25-more disciples and well-wishers have arrived). When is the Professor free or engaged for takinging or not taking phone calls today?

After hearning from you about the work pending for Bharati Society I was able to meet with her and her husband and then we discussed her work.

She described that the work has expanded from 15-20 pages to now 60-pages. That she was doing an hour daily with your good self.

That seems to big for Solaris to print in one edition. I don't have fluid contact with Solaris to know how their publication work is going.

Our research has come to include Gitavali by Thakura Bh. Vinoda, and he coments that Hari-nama-ausadi is the only medicine we need and really accesible in Kali yuga.

Our disease is not dancing in step with the chorus, no?

Dying is a very natural, healthy part of the productive life cycle.

I become sick when I expect more strength natural at my age.

Otherwise we can always we can play our instruments with full vigour and always be in contact with our friends, no?

Thank you.

Hope to see you on the 'fern sprecker' very soon.

Best regards to Children and Mataji.