Report of 2022

2 years, 2 months ago by dolores lalita chavez in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - ASA -- Esteemed Lalita-gopi Devi Das et al.

Thank you so much for your association in India.

We have 25-reports and V-puja offers and no way to archive them for gradual review.

Can you review this and send again after a few weeks?

Thank you!!!


Por su misericordia, este año, mi esposo Angirasa Das y yo, pudimos llegar a este Santo Dham. Parece facil cumplir la meta de un viaje, pero a nosotros nos ha significado superar obstaculoa, entre ellos de salud.¿ como explicarle a la mente, que tenemos una mision traacendental? ¿ como ajustar al cuerpo , cuyos atomos y poder de regeneracion son cada vez mas lentos?

Por eso, en su momento, le imploramos misericordia para poder llegar a nuestros objetivos. Pedi permiso en mis trabajos , como profesora, y gracias a Krsna pude continuar en linea mis grupos. Y ya lo dicen las escrituras : BG , tu solamente rindete a mi. Y eso tratamos de hacer, pero lo que supone para nosotros hacer un gran esfuerzo, a los ojos de las personas, es un minusculo movimiento. Este año hemos podido cumpli con el sadhana, laa 16 rondaa diarias y el gayatri. Sin embargo, en el periodo de los viajes fui irregular en cantar el gayatri y, segun sus instrucciones, si algunos dias lo hacia y otros no, era mejor detener esta practica. Por lo que suspendi el canto del gayatri. Le pido, por su inmensa misericordia poder retomarlo en mi vida diaria.

<pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">By your mercy, this year my husband Angirasa Das and I were able to reach this Holy Dham. It seems easy to meet the goal of a trip, but for us it has meant overcoming obstacles, including health. How to explain to the mind that we try to make a transcendental mission? How to adjust to the body, whose atoms and power of regeneration are slower and slower? That is why, in may 2022, we implore mercy to be able to reach our objectives. I asked for permission in my work, as a teacher, and thanks to Krsna I was able to continue my groups online. And the scriptures already stablish it, in the BG, you just surrender to me. And that's we are trying to do, but what it means for us to make a great effort, in the eyes of the people, is a tiny movement. This year we have been able to complete the sadhana, the 16 daily rounds and the gayatri. And classes meanwhile you were broadcasting them.However, during the period of the trips I was irregular in singing the gayatri and, according to your instructions, if I did it some days and not others, it was better to stop this practice. So I stopped chanting the gayatri. I ask you, for your immense mercy, to be able to recite it in my daily life. </pre>

Asi que del 10 al 24 de noviembre 2022 fuimos a Kolkata, por sus instrucciones, a visitar el Bhaktivedhanta Research Center, posteriormente , Mayapur y luego Puri. Fue un viaje asombroso que aprendi la grandeza de la cultura y ciencia vedica. Usted se ha esforzado mucho, con sus clases, en que apredamos del BG y del SB, perdone que mi entendimiento sea muy limitado, pero este año me he esforzado en entender un poco mas. Asimismo, los otros años ( 2020, 2021) he mandado mis reportes y luego veo que no aparezco en la lista publicada posteriormente.

So from 10 to 24 november, we went to Kolkata, by your instructions, then visit Bhaktivedanta Research Center BRC. Later we went to Mayapur and Puri. It was a wonderful trip and I learned greatness of vedic science and culture. You have been done efforts to teach us BG and SB. I hope forgive me my limitless underatanding, but this year I have make my efforts to understand a little bit more. Other years (2021, 2022) I have sent my reports and then I am not figuring out in the list ,you published. I hope this time I hopefully see my name. Please forgive my offenses and akwardness. Your useless servant Lalita Gopi DD