Hare Krishna Report 22

2 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudev,



ASA - aLtsp??? L=?

How are you? I hope you are doing well in India.

HpS - I am in hell, but it has its advantages. Ha! Ha! Hare!

I am currently living in Paraguay with my wife Narayani Goura Premi dd. We attend and perform service on a regular basis in the preaching center of Iskcon Asunción. I am not the best devotee, not even close to being one, but I am making an effort to fulfill my sadhana at home or in the temple, thus avoiding vices. I am completing my 16 rounds, sometimes with ups and downs. reading Srila Prabhupada's books, I am currently studying Queen Kunti, final chapters.

At work I am running a small Courier company and we currently have 3 permanent workers. Logistics is a very precise job, but I feel that it is giving me a lot of experience. I also would like to study at the university, perhaps economics. but sometimes this life is too short to meet all the objectives.

I did not have time to write before and I apologize for that, it was truly a pleasure and inspiration to meet you at the Lima airport on your last stay in Peru. I apparently had an anxiety attack and that's why I fainted and you told me that I was very intelligent because only a madman doesn't have anxiety in this material world. It is excellent, but when I arrived in my country of residence I did the studies and they told me that I had a gallbladder stone which needed an operation but I have taken it easy until now simply improving my diet and I have been better, without colic.

HpS - Aaaah!

Thank you very much for your association.

your servant Vijaya Govinda Das.

HpS - Thank you! This is nice size letter with appropriate content.

Man to Man

Gall bladder Stone to Bellybutton Fungus.

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