Report Anual

2 years, 3 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humbled obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I'm really sorry Gurudeva, in a long time I didn’t write you, is just, specially the last years, I fealt that I didnt make a really important service for the sankirtan, nothing dign for your service Gurudeva. But when I read you in twitter and see you in the holy dham, I think that at least I could write you my actual condition in my life, is not to much but is where I have found a safe place to stay in Krishna consciousness.

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This year I was absorted in my family, caring my parents, my husband and my pregnancy. Was a year where I tried to see Sri Radha and Krsna, taking care of persons who are close to me and take care of me too. And in the daily, Cleaning thinking in Krsna, cooking thinking in Krsna, buying thinking in Krsna, and of cours, just trying because my mind is not my friend all the time. 

Im chanting with not constance the rounds, just chant when I want or I needed, and this is the problem, I don't chant when I don't want, and that would have real devotion. But at least, I kept the pleasure for chanting the holy name, and for my condition is very incredible for me, always is my only refuge, and Im thanking for that, although, I always feel afraid of losing it for my inconstance and offenses. I trying at least to listen kirtans when im working or making things at home. I'm reading regularly of Srimati Radharani and BG and adoration to my deities.

About realizations this year, In all my pregnancy we receive a lot of mercy and blessing from devotees, family and friends, was like fealt the mercy from Sri Radha and Krsna near to us. My son born September 20 and his name is Ricardo Baladev, is healthy and so adorable. Im absolutely in shoked about how stronger is the love for a son, I believe absolute that be mother help me so much to feel more respect about the love for god and the spiritual life, so now I need to make better my sadhana if I really what to back to God with your refuge, because now I am so far. 

Thank you Gurudeva for the inspiration, your service to Srila Prabhupada, your example is my restart when I am lost the enthusiast, and if I didn’t have it, I don’t know where would I be. Happy for your soon Vyasa puja. Congratulations Gurudeva. I'm waiting for your visit to Mexico City the next year, I hope to be there with my family. 

Thank you Gurudeva for all. Please forgive all my offenses. Sri Krsna always protect you. Hare Krishna.

Her servant Satyabhama dd