ASA Management

1 year, 12 months ago by hps in Special Category B

[11/28, 3:25 PM] HPSwami - ProfHHR: $1,000,000 management questions:

1. Who am I?

Ie. what are my passions and motivating duties in this specific management situation?

2. Who are we?

Ie. After answering one then you can find Sankirtan partners who have also answered 1.

3. Whats the Plan?Ie. Based on two, then we make a plan. Not based so much on goals but personal character and team character.

3. What Resources to we need?

Ie. Answering all three, then you think about resources. Not that you start making your plans based in your resources, and then try to force people to fit the plan.

[11/28, 3:26 PM]

\HPSwami - ProfHHR: So, have you answered 1?  Then, do you have anybody else to work with?

Really you can't work closely with more than five people.