Kapi Dhvaja 221123

2Β years, 2Β months ago by hps in Special Category A

K A P I  D H V A J A

2022 November 23

keZava pUrnIma

  • Periodical of the Anjana Suta Academy (www.JayaRama.US), a pioneering branch of ISKCON, Founder Acharya Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada.
  • GBC Secretary - His Grace Vira bahu Das.
  • Branch Head - H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.
  • Editors - T. Brown, B. White et al.



Paoho & bw.

Brown and White here.

🦍 🐷

The Sun is at 4.51 PM, Radha-kunda, Mathura District, India

🌻🌴 🌻


Looking at the last WM we must say that still many exotic people are still visiting us still daily.

  1. Vira-gopal Das and Gaura-gadadhara Devi Dasi are now residing just a stone's throw from our door.
  2. Pramodini Radha Devi Dasid comes from Manipuri Mandir.
  3. Tungavidya D. D. is in the next block, and they all come for Mangala arati and Gaura-arti.
  4. Krsna-loka Das, very tall, thin, disciple of Subhaga Swami who has been living here we maybe 20-years is also coming regularly. He is a great Pandita, very humble ocean of knowledge and austerity.
  5. Ranchor, Govinda P., Gokulananda, Sri-hari, S. Sakhi, S. Mayi D. Dasi.
  6. Ashrama mate: Vipina-bhihari Das

Looking at our Diary of a Traveling Creature (2022 November 5-20) we see that there was a Solar Eclipse and we followed the local custom of fasting from six hours before it until its end, then we had LARYNGISTIS.

Yes, friends


that seems to be a symptom of the AQI.


πŸ€– Air Quality Index!

  1. 0-50 is good air.
  2. 50-100 is O.K. air.
  3. 100-150 is bad air (Unhealty).
  4. 150- 200 is rock my sox bad air.

R. Kunda is always about 165, but it could be worse. Delhi is about 251!

All of India is at least 150!

Sri Hari Das sent an air filter.

It huffs and puffs and seems to make a little difference.

I think we are gradually damaging our eyes, throat etc, but as we hear Prabhodananda Sarasvati say every evening, "Better to rot in Vrndavana, than live the life of a sage in the pure clean air of the Himalayas".

Only 7-more weeks in Radha-kunda .... then we head to Spain breathing the surgically purified air of the aluminum weiner, airplane.

Cho Cho Cho.πŸš‚ πŸš‚ πŸš‚













(6.11p, one day later)


Every Saturday at 5.30p IST we have symposium at www.GoToMeeting.com 737-859-341 with H. G. Upendra Das on Caitanya-caritamrta, and ASA Report.

Nitai-gaurasundara Das visited India (Vrndavana (Radha-kunda)). We went to see him at the new 50+ room ISKCON Govardhana Retreat Center in southern tip of Govardhana, and then he came here with Sashi, his younger brother, Supreme Court Advocate (with three police men with machine guns). It was interesting experience going to Radha Kunda with them.

*** Every thing here is becoming incomprehensible. We are forced to have simple tasks and focus on managing our little world, next step, next breath***




Very great, young Indian scholars, Houston friends, Saturday and Sunday 8-9.30a.


We learned such new things about NoI.

(We are printing 1000-TPP, Amazon quality for Rupees 116,000)

With effort (one pint of blood/minute) the DTC-UT editing is progressing.

Lets finish:

  1. USA for V-puja (24th December).
  2. Spain while we are there (January/February)
  3. India while in Mexico (March)


Is also progressing with more blood (shared with the mosquitos).

Starting meetings with Sumanta, Abhiseka, Srinivasa, Miguel, Abhirama .... next week.

Every day, twice a day, we circumamblulate

Sri Sri Radha-kunda / Shyama-kunda. Seems little by little, every visit, develops our position in Gokula, Goloka in the material atmosphere.

Little by little, by little, punja punya krti.

🐷   πŸ¦˜ πŸ¦˜ πŸ¦˜  πŸ„πŸ¦†


Kirtanya sada harih.


27-30th is work with Sumanta Rudra, and NIOS//BRC meetings.

Join us?

29th is Odana Sasti, Vyasapuja of H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami! and anniversary of HpS Sannyasa and Diksa for Sriman G. Gunamani Sharma of Manipura.


3rd is Ekadasi, advent of Bh. Gita!

4th is the Ekadasi fast.

8th is Keshava purnima, next Kapi Dhvaja.

12th diappearance, Sri, Sri Bh. Siddhanta Sarasvati.

24th appearance of of Locana Das Thakura and H.p. Swami's Vyasapuja celebration for the Parampara including all past present and future.

Morning until midday will be in the Balarama hall in Vrndavana temple, then evening in Radha kunda.

7-8am Lima/Mexico City time on line.


9th January to Delhi, GEV, Manipura, Agartala, Silchar, Delhi. 26th (Note flight rescheduled one day later) to Madrid. 22nd Feb Madrid to Houston. March 4th to Monterrey, Mexico, 29th to Mexico City. April 3rd to USA. After that maybe Houston and Nashville. 2024 Odana sasthi leave body.

Look for breaking news from the party of Vanaras to the south at "huber_robinson" at Twitter.com, and daily reports on Sankirtan, Calendar Development, and these fortnightly Kapi Dhvajas at our ASA Blog at www.MonkeyWarrior.com


Well I guess, that's about enough hot air for one volume. So good bye, good preaching.

Subra Devi Dasi and CCDas and RRD and SNKD and Girivaradhari gopal Das and Sridhara are coming for V-puja etc.

!!! Everyone whom we have initiated on behalf of Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON must file there Annual Report at the Blog by 24th December !!!

πŸ¦πŸ’ 🐷 πŸ€–