Dhruva Das

2 years, 3 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to your service. 

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


This post is to share my current travel plans and projects over the coming months.


1.      HDG Bhaktisvaurpa Damodara Swami Maharaja vyasapuja and possible education symposium, Radha Kunda November 29th 2022. 

I have booked travel tickets and accommodation to arrive in Radha Kund evening of 26th November and return to Mayapur 1st December 2022.

The assignment you gave me for this symposium was put forward some ideas on how the NIOS and the Bhaktivedanta Research Centre (BRC) along with other affiliates can expand the kirtan of Sri Krishna Caitanya. I interviewd HG Hari Suari prabhu and learnt the amazing history of the BRC. I have some ideas, most of which others are probably also having. Maybe hearing them from me, this wild, youthful outsider, might kickstart something.

If symposium is no longer viable, I will cancel/postpone the above plans. 

ASA -- HK//HHR. Always welcome, but if you can save some money then maybe cancel this trip because S. Rudra broke leg and cannot come.

Also, if do come think you could stay with us.

We can talk on phone.


2.      My family and I will travel to Vrindavan for your Vyasapuja 19th – 27th December. 


3.      January 2023, my tickets are booked. I will meet you at Mumbai airport morning of the 11th after which we spend the next few days at Govardhan Eco Village until we fly together to Imphal, Manipur. Programs in Manipur and Assam until the 24thwhen we return to Delhi. 

ASA - Awwwk. We checked with Vistara, and our flight is Tuesday 10th, not 11th! Flight 927 (?) arrives 11.35am Mumbai.

I hope we didn't publish this incorrectly. We make mistakes, so best to confirm general info specifically with us.

4.      26th January 2023, we fly to Madrid, Spain together. I am developing some ideas to contribute and research with HH Yadhunandan Swami.


ASA - Yes, flight for both of us was changed from 25th to 26th January.

There are more plans for February-March, but I will leave it at this for the blog for now. 


Your servant

Dhruvaananda Das

HpS/ASA - Many thanks!