
2 years, 3 months ago by yajnasenidd in Special Category A


After more than a dozen years of suffering, I’ve come to realise that I will never ever neglect what my intuition is telling me again, no matter what kind of authority is standing in front of me. I will not be intimidated into doing things I can see will end up going wrong because maybe most guides we have currently in ISKCON don’t know the abilities of their second generation. Krsna has given us a certain level of insight, understanding, vision, intellect, perception which a lay beginner devotee may not have and their preaching modules can’t be copy pasted onto us.

We aren’t as clueless; maybe we too can see through things. And depending on this inner insight instead of accepting ‘you don’t know anything’, ‘you’re just a little girl’ propaganda. And when you follow, being told ‘you should’ve known better’, ‘we can tell you, but it’s up to you to follow it’.

ASA - Yes, as soon as we come to the mode of goodness, by birth or spiritual culture, we can begin to trust our insight.

Of course, one of most prominent insights is to accurately evaluate our insights.

Eg. 'That is very practical evaluation of the situation, but my intelligence is also telling me to talk to a couple of people to clarify the idea'.

Whatever inspiration we have should be confirmed by Guru, Sadhu and Sastra - Rupa Goswami.

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