Ask for rights or Tolerate

2 years, 3 months ago by yajnasenidd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,


You asked us to read: The direction I’m getting in my heart after trying my best to follow SP’s discipline is I should try to not stir or provoke situation of police involvement/court as that will bring us near the divorce process. However, I also feel if we do not have any presence there, he will get more settled and so will she in the illusion that this marriage is over. I tried to nicely deal with him, he’s arguing, we will kill him. So if I try to peacefully obtain this house key/access, I should maybe just show up there. If I fail, perhaps I should embrace it like Krsna accepted rejection as Shanti doot by Duryodhana. If he attacks then I will have to act to protect, again not endangering the marriage. This might get tricky to keep everyone peaceful and prevent eruptions. Both my father and my husband’s family and gf all want a boil down. I’m close, but I feel better to postpone inauspicious acts.

I have a follow up question to your answer that Yudhisthira’s desire to uphold dharma also lost to Duryodhana: doesn't Krsna protect vow of His devotees? Bhakta Vatsala?

ASA - Hare Krsna. The greatest asset that we can have is an enlightened service attitude. If Krsna can protect that and augment it then we have to greatest gift.

If we have a service attitude toward belicose family members then we are satisfied in any situation. We have come to help everyone.

Follow up for: ‘should not argue with fool’: he turns a simple request for house key into argument. In favour of not accelerating divorce, I’m considering postponing asking for my rights to my things and house key to a later point of higher clarity. Maybe for now I can compromise having my dance dress and order new documents and book tickets.


Yajnaseni DD

ASA - As Sannyasis and B'caris we don't get involved in the details of these things, so we can't give detailed advice.

Chant Hare Krsna and try to do things with the company of several family members and responsible people.

Draupadi won.