Hare Krishna.

2 years, 2 months ago by Julieta Corzo Fillmore in Personal Sadhana Reports

Toda Gloria a Sri Sri Goura Nityananda!

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!

Toda Gloria a usted Gurudev!

Espero que se encuentre muy bien Gurudev, quiero contarle que debido a cambios profundamente importantes en mi vida en estos últimos tres años prácticamente no hemos estado en las redes sociales incluido este blog, excepto haciendo publicaciones sobre las lecturas de los libros de SP. Comprendimos que esta vida es muy valiosa y a pesar de estar en un movimiento espiritual fidedigno y autorizado debemos mantener cierta información fuera de la vida pública ya que hay personas que aún no están preparadas para ser confidenciales y usar estos medios para reflexionar y lamentablemente en muchos casos ocurre lo opuesto y luego unos descubre que no hay buenas intenciones detrás de muchos practicantes de bhakti yoga incluidas autoridades nacionales.

Entiendo que la mayoría de nosotros estamos en un nivel muy bajo de conciencia y debemos protegernos.

Gurudev quiero contarle que por la misericordia del Señor Krishna, Srila Prabhupada y usted estamos bien de salud física, creemos que mentalmente estamos bastante equilibrados y lúcidos. A pesar de los altos y bajos en nuestra práctica espiritual estamos convencidos al 108% de que habernos encontrado con Srila Prabhupada en esta vida es una oportunidad que no tiene precio...invaluable, es por eso que cada día oramos para mantenernos conscientes del valor del Maha Mantra Hare Krishna y todo su poder y misericordia. La poca inteligencia que tenemos sin duda la desarrollamos gracias a Srila Prabhupada y los maestros espirituales fidedignos. Estamos profundamente agradecidos y bastante animados y alegres para seguir haciendo frente al karma que debemos depurar. Siempre que es posible distribuimos libros e intentamos hablar con la gente sobre la importancia de volver a prestarle atención a la vida espiritual. No es fácil.

Lamentamos tener un cuerpo femenino porque hay muchas cosas que deseo contarle y se que sus palabras y experiencia me ayudarían a comprender distintas situaciones más profundamente así que estamos sacando provecho de sus clases y las clases de otros maestros espirituales, gracias.

Gurudev acepte mis respetos y reverencias a sus santos pies, gracias por todo su amor incondicional, lo saluda su discípula Jahnava Devi dasi.



All Glory to Sri Sri Gaura Nityananda!

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glory to you Gurudev!

I hope you are doing well Gurudev, I want to tell you that due to profoundly important changes in my life in these last three years we have hardly been on social media including this blog, except making posts about SP book readings. We understood that this life is very valuable and despite being in a reliable and authorized spiritual movement we must keep certain information out of public life since there are people who are not yet prepared to be confidential and use these means to reflect and unfortunately in many cases the opposite happens and then some discover that there are no good intentions behind many practitioners of bhakti yoga including national authorities.

I understand that most of us are at a very low level of consciousness and we must protect ourselves.

HpS/ASA- Yes! NoI 5. In the Sunday Feast class with 100 people we ask questions in a general sense. Then after that maybe 12-people come around the speaker for little more confidential talks.

Of course, it is open to everyone, but those 12-people have a certain type of consciousness.

This Blog is like that.

That level of confidential.

Then, if very personal can arrange just one or two people.

Gurudev I want to tell you that by the mercy of Lord Krishna, Srila Prabhupada and you, we are in good physical health, we believe that mentally we are quite balanced and lucid. Despite the ups and downs in our spiritual practice we are 108% convinced that having met Srila Prabhupada in this life is a priceless opportunity...invaluable, that is why we pray every day to remain aware of the value of the Maha Mantra, Hare Krishna, and all his power and mercy. What little intelligence we have we certainly developed thanks to Srila Prabhupada and bona fide spiritual masters. We are deeply grateful and quite encouraged and happy to continue facing the karma that we must clear.

Whenever possible we distribute books and try to talk to people about the importance of paying attention to the spiritual life again. Is not easy.

HpS//ASA - Yes! Yet, even a little result is eternal, "nehabikramo naso sti.."

We are sorry that we have a female body because there are many things that I want to tell you and I know that your words and experience would help me understand different situations more deeply so we are taking advantage of your classes and the classes of other spiritual teachers,

HpS - "Victory comes from good advice, and good advice comes from many counselors", Cankhya Pandita.

thank you.

Gurudev accept my respects and obeisances at his holy feet, thank you for all his unconditional love, his disciple Jahnava Devi dasi salutes you.


HpS - Thank you. Hope to get more and more of your association in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan