Sankirtan visita Mty.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias Gurudev

Nos gustaría compartirle que conseguimos contacto en dos universidades de Monterrey

UDEM: anteriormente en 2012 usted visitó la licenciatura de artes.

Tecnológico de Monterrey: el contacto que ofrece este espacio está interesado en su trabajo en NIOS y temas de Jung.

Ambas opciones son excelentes con posibilidad de conseguir espacio para un buen programa de prédica significativo por nuestra parte proporcionamos información de NIOS y mantenemos contacto constante con las personas que están facilitando el espacio en las universidades para su próxima estadía en Monterrey.

Nos gustaría saber cómo servirle mejor con su opinión.

Por nuestra parte estamos en contacto y agradecemos su respuesta, en otro informe le compartiremos los avances en la finca, ¿cree que podamos compartir en el blog el contacto WhatsApp de Anandamaya en la siguiente carta para lo devotos y devotas que requieren información y reservación de hospedaje en el campamento ASA(finca) o en Monterrey?

Sus sirvientes Gadadhar Gosai y Anandamaya Dasi


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept our humble obeisances Gurudev

We would like to share with you that we have contacted two universities in Monterrey

UDEM: Previously, in 2012, you visited the Bachelor of Arts.

Tecnológico de Monterrey: the contact that this space offers is interested in your work on NIOS and Jung's topics.

Both options are excellent with the possibility of getting space for a good significant preaching program. We provide information from NIOS and maintain constant contact with the people who are facilitating the space in the universities for your next stay in Monterrey.

We would like to know how to better serve you with your opinion.

For our part we are in contact and we appreciate your response, in another report we will share the progress of the farm, do you think we can share Anandamaya's WhatsApp contact on the blog in the following letter for devotees who require information and reservation of Lodging at the ASA camp (farm) or in Monterrey?

HpS - AGTSP! Paoho. If you want to share her Whatsapp contact here, that is fine. It is an open forum, so anyone ca read it.

Maybe make a temporary address, e-mail, is better.

WIth the University it depends on the interest of the sponsor.

We have done porgrams with Art Schools, Philosophy Departments etc.

We could also present for Historians,

Theater/Drama School

Political Science.

Who are the contacts and what is their interest.

Also, programs in Rural Development, agriculture.

We can do one day or we can do several programs because we will be there for one month, no?

His servants Gadadhar Gosai and Anandamaya Dasi

ASA - 🦆🦆🐒 🐷