Hare Krsna gurudev.

2 years, 3 months ago by campa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudev, por favor acepte mis reverencias a sus pies y sean todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Espero que usted esté muy bien, caminando dichoso por El Radha Kunda, en muy buena compañia.

Hace mucho que no le escribo. No encontré el código en el KD. Me había acostumbrado a reunirme con usted en gotomeeting, ahora lo extraño mucho.

Seguimos aquí en Córdoba con Deva Vrata y en compañia de varios devotos. Nos reunimos en el mandir Radha Krsna Candra los miércoles para mangalarati y programa completo los domingos, donde nos turnamos para atender a las Deidades. Sigo con el servicio de tesorería, doy una clase por mes en Clases en vivo IsKcon buenos aires, y también cada tanto en el mandir. Nos reunimos cada 15 días a compartir un capítulo del S Bhagavatam, estamos finalizando el canto 5.

Estamos soñando con ir a India a verlo en el 2024, ojalá Krsna cumpla nuestro deseo.

Estoy cantando las 16 rondas diariamente, levantándome alrededor de 5 am.

Quería preguntarle, si tiene tiempo, su opinión de una entrevista que le hizo prabhu Param Padam a su santidad Hrdayananda swami, en su canal de YT. Están desestimando los comentarios de Srla Prabhupada del Bhagavad Gita? Desde el minuto 14.18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv_HZ_fE96U

Tiene alguna instrucción para mi gurudev?

Muchísimas gracias por todo!!!. Es mi deseo que su salud mejore cada día!!!

Su discípula que lo quiere mucho, Campaka lata dd.

Hare Krsna gurumaharaja!!!


Hare Krsna gurudev, please accept my obeisances at your feet and all glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I hope that you are very well, walking happily through El Radha Kunda, in very good company.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. Paoho. In Kapi Dhvaja we gave a sample of our health and situation.

We are learning to live here and adjust to the social situation in Kartika.

I haven't written to you in a long time. I didn't find the code in the KD. I had used to meet you on gotomeeting, now I miss you so much.

ASA - We still have the Saturday programs with Upendra Das. We will try to organize some programs in Spanish!

Watch for us at Twitter.

We continue here in Córdoba with Deva Vrata and in the company of several devotees. We gather at the Radha Krsna Candra mandir on Wednesdays for mangalarati and full program on Sundays where we take turns attending the Deities. I continue with the treasury service, I teach a class per month in IsK Live Classes with Buenos Aires, and also from time to time in the mandir. We meet every 15 days to share a chapter of the S Bhagavatam, we are finishing song 5.

ASA - Forest of Material Enjoyment?

We are dreaming of going to India to see him in 2024, hopefully Krsna fulfills our wish.

I am chanting the 16 rounds daily, getting up around 5 am.

I wanted to ask you, if you have time, your opinion of an interview that prabhu Param Padam did with His Holiness Hrdayananda Swami, on his YT channel. Is he minimizing Srila Prabhupada's comments on the Bhagavad Gita? From minute 14.18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv_HZ_fE96U

ASA - We looked at it and it is a little hard for us to follow the Spanish, especially the subtle aspect of looking at Srila Prabhupada's translations and purports or looking at the dictionary understanding of the words and Maharaja's own comprehension of Sanskrit from his various readings and teachers including Srila Prabhupada and other Acharyas.

I think researching the broader Sanskrita perspective can give us deeper comprehension of our Guru's work, but understanding BG from perspective of SB and CC is more important.

From perspective of applying our Guru's translation.

For Maharaja and the kind of preaching he is doing, knowing the common Sanskrita translations might be very appropriate. I can't tell more that from the interview.

Do you have any instructions for me Gurudev?

HpS - Talk with Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you very much for everything!!!. It is my wish that your health improves every day!!!

His disciple who loves him very much, Campaka can dd.

Hare Krsna, gurumaharaja!!!