DTC We(19)

2 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

HK/HR. 7.41PM. Just finished FEP with Vipina, M. T'vidy and one Manipuri Mataji.

Too tired to write in Blog but now we are going.

Getting very regulated schedule in Vraja, Radha Kunda.

Very peaceful.

Today did January 10-25th travel work and paid for ticket and seat upgrade.

Tomorrow should have Eco Village and Manipura, Assam vists fixed.

Also, we visit Tungavidya Devi Dasi's family and do evening program at Gopal Mandira.

Maybe get there by 4PM.

Watch Twitte for details.

Now we look for some KRSNA book!


We discovered that we could chant on the roof.

It is like flying in the sky.

See many other people and things on their roofs.

Thank you!