dtc 18(tu)

2 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.

Hare Rama

Brown and White here.


Ananda-vardana Das, Guru-govinda Devi Dasi, Iskcon Chile, Ki Jai.

Paoho & bw.

Here we are all still 8.5-minutes from Radha Kunda!!! The sun is at 8.01PM here. Sunset was at 5.45PM.

It is hot here, but with the fan it is O.K.

  • Today is anniversary of Lokanatha Swami's initiation;
  • Anniversary of the first Kartika festival by Srila Prabhupada;
  • Bahula, the honest cow, festival;
  • Advent of Radha-kunda festival.

We left for the big program organized by, for, Lokannatha Swami at 8.30am and got back about 12.30pm! Four hours! Over 2,000 people in the pandal-tent.

Brahmanas, mantras, decorations, Swamis, deities, bull carts, Govardhana hill!

90% in Hindi.

A lot of work, but very nutritious.

Now we have no invitations until Govardhana Puja.

Every day we meet devotees at Radha Kunda who know us from 20-years ago etc.


Every blade of grass transcendental.

Becoming detached from "good food". Beginning to swim in the river of Radha Krsna lila.

Your association is so important to us.


Hare Krsna

Hare Krsna


We try to broadcast stuff, but our life here is so much less complicated. We don't plan class programs. A lot of it is just walking to Radha Kunda.

What did you do today?

I walked to Radha-Kunda!


We want to try to join "The Fiftys Club" - Fifty rounds a day. Because our throat is irritated, inflamed a lot, we must chant slower than before.

(Good practice for death).

... We will look at the Blog and Whatsapp.

Hari Bolo!