Ram Vijay, Mahotsaba! LAD

Hare Krishna, dear Gurudev and devotees. Pamho, AGTSP!

Today we have celebrated Ram Vijay at home, Raman reti dd and I, with a nice offering for our beloved Nitay Caitanya candra along with Laxmi-Nrsimha and everyone else in our humble altar. As we say in spanish: The house is small but the heart is big.

We rose very early in the morning (2.50 am); Chanted our rounds; performed Mangalartik for our Deities; read NOD; finished rounds, prepared breakfast for Nitay CC; read Caitanya C; RR read for her groups while I was making a cake for L-N; offering (we fasted until noon); Listed to Nirantara Prabhu class at ISKCON Chosica live videos from some days ago. Then, a little rest, some house chores; noon offering; shared results with my family; ate sumptuously and rest for the afternoon. Now, 4.30 pm (Perú time) Im writing this simple report.

It´s so satisfaiyng having a nice KC day.

Increases your utsaha...

We are celebrating this festival in the temple on sunday and the beginning of Damorada mas.

Thanks for your asociation.

your servant


HpS/ASA - Thank you so much for sharing this! It is amazing when we learn that we don't have to organize big events with Big People prsent in large numbers.

All we have to have is one persona present.


Such an honor to join you!