2 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

"Dr. Swati Mukherjee,Associate Professor of English,Lady Brabourne College, attended the programme, although she was a little late due to traffic .I have requested her to prepare an account of the event.Is anyone from your side doing the se work?If so please let me know so that I can tell she needs not to do. More when we talk after 5 -30 pm."

HpS - ASA -- Dra. Mukerjee sounds like excellent scholar. Maybe her summary can be the first article for Solaris.

Then Hector's presentation, bi-lingual, and your acceptance speech.

Our traveling team, cinematographic cohorts, are:

Abhirama Th. Das - Producer.

Raul Zevallos - Director.

Hector Behar - Commentarist, Consultant, Actor.

HpSwami - Consultant, Actor.

Jayanta, Prema, Adi - Sagacious Bhaktas, Postman, Farmer, Chauffer.

Ranchor/Govinda - Travel Agent, Translator.

We can put editing this part of the movie in priority, but it will still take some time.