Devendra Krishan Das

2 years, 4 months ago by devendra in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna GuruMaharaj

Please accept our humble and respectful obeisances at Your beautiful lotus feet.

HpS - AGTSP. paoho. If you can see "our beautiful lotus feet", you must be on the Paramahamsa platform!! Haw. Haw. Hare.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Guru and Gauranga

Dear Gurudev, I hope you are in good health, you must be very busy with trip to India, I saw your intense schedule.

Our sadhana is going great by Guru , Krishna and other vaishnav mercy , was quite busy in service at temple, was cooking and serving prasadam to vaishnav on various occasion, had great Janmastmi festival here, more then 5000 people visit, a day before Krishna Janma, there was heavy rain and same day also but after 4 PM , weather was pleasant by Krishna mercy and had great festival and Sumitra Radha DD also got an opportunity to cook that day for more then 5K people.

Lately also so many Senior Devotees visited and gave class here. and now we are also very fortunate that HG Srinivas Prabhuji and family shifted here and we get there association.

Our Bhakti Shastri in-person class resume since last two weeks under HG Chetanya Prabhuji guidance, we all three ( saloni also doing ) go together.

Saloni started her collage, its about 2 week now , she is kind of adjusted to schedule and transportation, best part she comes back home in evening , and we do artik in evening together and read 10 sloka from Srimad Bhagwatam.

Reading Tav Pache Pache and trying to follow, please keep your mercy upon us.

Hare Krsihna , Dandvat Pranam

Devendra Krisha Das and Sumitra DD

HpS - So nice to hear from you.

It is so nice to be in Vrndavana. Eerything is under Krsna's direct control.

We try to just stay alive inspite of milk diseases, mosquitos, politics etc.

We will see you in February.