dtc 6[tu]

2 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

we have chest pains, eye pains, ear lobe pains.... agtsp! paoho and bw. how about you.

today is second day of the symposium in new braja mandala. here are hector, claudia, hps, abhirama, raul et al.

also so much last minute work for the visit to india!

went to brihuega at 9am to get the results of our blood test. they took 60ml! result is that we have very good blood. there is an enquiery if we want to sell one quart a month for $275/month.

we need to rest a lot but guess we can give body more rest after oct 4th.

harsh, subra/ccd/dallas brahmacaris.

hari bolo!!!