Manual de la conciencia de Krishna

2 years, 5 months ago by muraridas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva

pamhoo AgtSP

muchas veces haciendo mi servicio y viendo que las personas que vienen al templo van disminuyendo me pregunto porqué .Si hay motivos externos pero ahora ya las actividades vuelven a l normalidad pero no para el templo y

mi pregunta es si no estamos predicando correctamente

escucho la clase dentro del altar y oigo

porque Ditarastra es ciego pero no solo ciego materialmente sino espiritual también.salgo y una señora ciega con el bastón es ayudada a levantarse e irse

que la degradación de la sociedad lleva a la homosexualidad etc el grupo que venía de estudiantes no volvió etc etc

he encontrado este antiguo manual de la primera etapa es del año 70 y creo que hace mucha falta actualizar la prédica y antes de que los discípulos de Srila Prabhupada se vayan para no perder la esencia se revise se explique quien es Radha Lord Caitanya etc

recierdo en la nueva Vrajamandala un devoto explicando quien eran las deidades que Radha tenia quince años y estaba casada y se escapaba por las noches ha escuchar la maravillosa flauta de Krishna y la confusión en la cara de los invitados

la situación es que si estamos en la situación de enseñar tenemos primero saber que nivel tienen las personas que escucha el mensaje y que nivel de información podemos dar

es mi deseo que un día se haga un protocolo de predica antes de que los devotos antiguos se vayan

veo un vídeo en YouTube sobre las glorias del el Ekadasi y dice

no solo tenemos que ayunar de granos sino incrementar el ayuno el servicio las rondas y reducir el dormir .perfecto

y famoso brahmacary muy entusiasta

pero cuando uno broadcast esto que yo sepa va a tres tipos de audiencia

devotos que viven en el templo minoría y ya lo saben , devotos que viven fuera del templo mayoría que como le explica a un devoto que trabaja en la construcción que haga así el Ekadasi se siente mal por no llegar ha ese estándar

y el tercero es alguien que quiera conocer la filosofía y … sorpresa todos los puntos que los gobiernos avisan que es una secta or cult

oro por la misericordia de Gurudeva nos ilumina para continuar con el legado que nos dejan pero necesitamos que se arreglen estas debilidades y que ahora que hay facilidades para mítines se aborden la necesidad de revisar el manual

no suelo escribir querido Gurudeva y hermanos pero cuando empieza a salir la planta de Tulasi aveces le ponemos mucho entusiasmo y mucha agua y muere con la prédica también

su sirviente

murari muriendo das


Hare Krishna, dear Gurudeva

pamhoo AgtSP

many times doing my service and seeing that the people who come to the temple are decreasing I wonder why. If there are external reasons but now the activities are back to normal but not for the temple and my question is if we are not preaching correctly

I listen to the class inside the altar and I hear because Ditarastra is blind but not only blind materially but spiritually as well. I go out and a blind lady with the cane is helped to get up and go that the degradation of society leads to homosexuality etc the group that came from students did not return etc etc

I have found this old manual of the first stage, it is from the year 70 and I think there is a great need to update the preaching and before the disciples of Srila Prabhupada leave, so as not to lose the essence, it is reviewed, it is explained who Radha, Lord Caitanya is, etc.

I remember in the new Vrajamandala, a devotee explaining who the deities were that Radha was fifteen years old and married and would sneak out at night to listen to the wonderful flute of Krishna and the confusion on the faces of the guests.

The situation is that if we are in the situation of teaching, we must first know what level the people who listen to the message have and what level of information we can give.

HpS-ASA - That is very interesting. We look at the Preface to Srimad Bhagavatam by Srila Prabhupada. It is like a Preface to his whole life and mission. How does he start it?

With example the same focus you are describing.

it is my wish that one day a protocol of preaching will be done before the old devotees leave

I see a video on YouTube about the glories of Ekadasi and it says

We not only have to fast from grains but increase the fast, the service, the rounds and reduce the sleep.

Perfect and famous very enthusiastic brahmacary but when you broadcast this, as far as I know, it goes to three types of audience devotees who live in the minority temple and already know it, devotees who live outside the majority temple who, as he explains to a devotee who works in construction who does this on Ekadasi, feel bad for not reaching that standard and the third is someone who wants to know the philosophy and … surprise all the points that the governments warn that it is a sect or cult

I pray for the mercy of Gurudeva enlighten us to continue with the legacy that they leave us but we need these weaknesses to be fixed and that now that there are facilities for rallies the need to revise the manual is addressed

I don't usually write dear Gurudeva and brothers but when the Tulasi plant starts to come out sometimes we put a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of water and he dies with the preaching too

your servant

Dying Murari Das

HpS - ASA = Thank you Murari Das. We have to use com. We have some spider bites and I think that our body is fighting some virus-poison that they have put in our blood. This is the common situation in the material world, no? You are preaching with a damaged body. All of our readers have same situation.

Wars are not won by perfectly healthy soldiers, but by wounded soldiers who go on fighting.

I think your observations are correct in principle. How to apply them to detailed situations? How to evaluate the effectiveness of the preaching? These are things that we understand require local knowledge as well as broad theory.

Build your Sankirtan partners in your Yatra.

It is not just a mental adjustment. It is by the nature of the internal potency that your Yatra is the leader of the Sankirtan in ISKCON and you are its leader.

Give the best leadership you know. Do the best service you can for your Deities. Listen to the Sankirtan of your other Yatra members and chant to inspire them to higher potencial.

So much more in the SB!

I have never heard of this Manual before. Where is it from? Who?

Thank you, Hare Krsna.
