Im Back! (URGENT, not so much)

2 years, 5 months ago by Parasurama Avatar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports



Dear Gurudev, I hope you are in good health and your sankirtan pleases to Srila Prabhupada and Goura Nitay.

It's been a while since we last spoke, but there's good news. 

My health is better, I finished my treatment, my job is going well.

I'm actually in the north of Chile, working in an electrical substations project

(we are building it), learning some things about Electric and Mechanic. 

A new world for an artist man, but it was a good experience.

I've returned to cook for the deities, twice a month, when I go to my home.

I'm going to cook for Janmastami, Srila Prabhupada and Radhastami too, Krishna is being very merciful 

and has given me those days off, like old times.

I took the Bhakti Sastri with Priyasakhi DD, we're in the second part of the BG, 

I got my black belt a few months ago, I don't have photos because I didn't participate in the ceremony, 

but as soon as I have some, I'll send it to you.

HpS - AGTSP!!! I hope you are also mastering the age old art of Run Fu.... Run For your life!

I wanted to ask you, do you think I should take a second initiation? 

HpS - Seems very nice to us. What do your friends and admnistratin think?

There is a possibility, but I would like to know your opinion.

Your Eternal servant, Parasurama Avatar Das. Santiago - Chile.

HpS - Are you in contact with Narayana Para Das in Buenos Aires? He also is winning competition in Judo.

Let us go to the next letter!