Back in the Saddle again...

2 years, 5 months ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports

 Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

please accept my humble obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Been awhile since writing and a lot has happened since moving from Texas to Florida.

HpS/ASA - Same for us!!! We went on a city tour with the Mayor of Brihuega.

Two months now and still unpacking boxes, though the essentials are surfacing, details and the office are still incognito.

The community is diverse, we are only 5 minutes away from a great variety of disciples & visitors. Getting used to the summers is the real practice of equanimity...I thought Houston was Hot!

HpS - Crododiles just submerge in the swamp with their noses sticking out, no?

Have two carpenter jobs, one for Pancha Tattva prabhu (a good friend of Maharaja Jayadvaita Swami) building a pump-house frame for his well and left on good terms, the second job is on-going for now, and that’s helping with the Bhaktivendanta Institute (BI) in Gainesville. Their facility is a Colonial Cross-Gable Georgian Mansion, built in 1929 (going on a hundred years soon).

Brahma-Tirtha Prabhu has hired my services and am working under Gaura-Vani Prabhu, our Brazilian project manager over the complete facility. Gaura-Vani has been a carpenter since he was 10 years old (he is 2 years younger than I). Very great opportunity to expound my skills and get good association, Sri Bhagavan is most merciful.

ASA - Man of wood.

Similar to your journey of filming your dedication to education and work, my journey I feel is in this current restoration project for the B.I. The skill set is high, my tools are still sharp, even after a 10-year hiatus in carpentry, so let's go for the job and all the wonderful association, best job I think I’ve had.

Great way to meet devotees.

Now finalizing packing for another journey for the San Francisco Ratha Yatra (SFRY)… what is amazing is that I can take the days off at B.I. and return to full time employment with no qualms. Lord Krishna fulfills my needs again, so much mercy in His plans, though I am not sure about next years seva, 2021 SFRY was strenuous but survivable, then after 2 days back a right inguinal-hernia popped out and was in emergency care four days. Guess best see if I survive 2022’s first and at least Jagannatha Swami Prabhu’s getting mellower after all these years. Will keep you posted on this.

Am wrapping up this meager correspondence at the USO rest-stop here at the Hobby Airport (didn’t know they had one!) Having a short lay-over on our journey to New Jagannatha Puri, then 6 days of Berkeley seva, please offer me some blessings, this could be intense.

Have discovered a focus in reading the Maha Bharata (started Krishna Dasa's write again), the "gaze of the Lion", or "Simhavalokana." A practice of fully injecting intentions in vision or other practices with spontaneity, seems to enhance my end results in projects.

Off to our next airport, hope to see you again soon!

All glories to the Vaisnava’s!

ASA - Super. Photos of the Rathayatra and Krsna-Balarama's visit to Braja from Dvaraja!