Heart pain

2 years, 7 months ago by yajnasenidd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,


Husband constantly asks for separation since he started talking to his girl friend 2 years ago. We constantly telling him no such thing in our understanding. So the impasse. My struggle is aligning my mind’s vrittis, to accept the Tapasya that comes on this path whether it’s accepting a terrible husband (if krsna’s merciful maybe he’ll become less terrible) or living a single life. 

Lord Balaram invited us to make jewelry for Him. We only meditate on that painting of fruit vendor. We try to give Him all our fruits out of love, and hope He takes care of our life which we are unable to handle now in any way 🙏. He’s the ultimate shelter. Please pray for us that we can in this difficult period not lower Srila Prabhupad’s name with our actions 🙏.

Your fallen servant,


HpS-ASA --- Chant Hare Krsna and be happy. In Kali yuga we all go through these crazy situations, but..... the Holy Names are so nice that we can get immediate relief, for the current moment, for the current day eg Holy Name tells us to eat a peach and have a nap, and large scale adjustments eg. With clear explanation resign from this post or that.

We wrote out in great detail, no, our understanding of marriage etc in general and Kali yuga. Mandodari had a rather difficult marriage.

If husband falls into big moral morass for six years then O.K. to find a new protector/husband and hope he isn't worse. That is third class adjustment but we are Kali yuga people.

Gandhari could have emotionally left Dhrtarastra alone with his material desires to be King of have his sons be King, but (in the Peter Brook movie) she agreed to join him and help him with his emotions.

Have a heroic life.