Hare Krishna Gurudeva le envio una carta

2 years, 5 months ago by wilfredo in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Reciba Ud. mis reverencias mi querido Gurudeva:

Le escribo para contarle lo último en cuanto a mis actividades. El día sábado 30 de Julio hicimos nuestra presentación oficial CPO local ante las autoridades de ISKCON PERU donde tuve la oportunidad de exponer los procedimientos de denuncias y quejas frente a las infracciones que se puedan cometer en agravio de menores y adolescentes dentro de la comunidad de devotos. Fue una reunión bastante ilustrativa pues los tópicos que se abordaron por mi parte abarcaron las consecuencias legales y sanciones que la Ley prevé, así como lo establecido en la Directrices del CPO para Latinoamérica. Hubieron preguntas de los devotos líderes y se dieron sus respectivas respuestas, así como la campaña de educación y prevención a los padres de familia como a los devotos en general. Tenemos por ejecutar la colocación de afiches preventivos en las vitrinas de los templos, así como trípticos alusivos a la prevención y protección de los niños y adolescentes dentro de ISKCON. Hemos partido con mucho entusiasmo P. Omkara Das, Madre Murti Mati dd y su servidor P. Visala Das. En lo personal sigo trabajando independientemente como abogado litigante y atendiendo algunos asuntos de salud, el cuerpo físico empieza a fallar.

Su Sirviente eterno



Receive my obeisances my dear Gurudeva:

I am writing to tell you the latest about my activities. On Saturday, July 30, we made our official local CPO presentation to the authorities of ISKCON PERU where I had the opportunity to explain the procedures for complaints and complaints against infractions that may be committed to the detriment of minors and adolescents within the community of devotees. . It was a very illustrative meeting because the topics that were addressed by me covered the legal consequences and sanctions that the Law provides, as well as what is established in the CPO Guidelines for Latin America. There were questions from the devout leaders and their respective answers were given, as well as the education and prevention campaign for parents and devotees in general. We have yet to execute the placement of preventive posters in the windows of the temples, as well as triptychs alluding to the prevention and protection of children and adolescents within ISKCON. We left with great enthusiasm P. Omkara Das, Mother Murti Mati dd and her servant P. Visala Das. Personally, I continue to work independently as a trial lawyer and attend to some health matters, the physical body begins to fail.

Your Eternal Servant



HpS/ASA - Thank you very much! I think your rational approach to life will have a lot of effect in making the whole ISKCON administrative character more sane.

Perfect your branch, twig, of ISKCON and the while tree will benefit.

Through so many media have a direct relationship with Srila Prabhupada.

Hope our Kapi Dhvaja and this Blog et al are of use to you.

Respects to your family.