[Guru Purnima] Gracias

2 years, 6 months ago by Cruz Santa in Other

Hare Krsna querido Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada, ¡salvador de los caídos!,

y Todas las Glorias a Usted que nos guía tras los pasos de Su Divino maestro.

Hoy, Guru Purnima, después de su clase reflexione un poco acerca de los múltiples maestros que el misericordioso Señor Hari ha puesto en mi camino. Alcance a ver, un poco, de la ayuda infinita que nuestro Señor me ha otorgado y medite en la inmensa deuda que he adquirido con esos maestros.

Sin duda, encontrar a Srila Prabhupada y encontrarme con usted ha sido la mayor fortuna de mi existencia, ¡muchas gracias!… Hoy pude recordar con claridad muchas, muchas, muchas ocasiones en las que fui salvada por vuestras instrucciones... Aún tengo tanto por aprender, soy una estudiante tonta que comete errores una y otra vez, y soy cautivada por maya de muchas maneras. Luego vuelvo llorando a ustedes implorando auxilio… ¡Por favor perdóneme por abusar de su misericordia!

Los últimos años, debido a un fuerte shock, estuve naufragando en un océano tormentoso de oscuridad, miedo y confusión. Creo que mi único logro fue mantenerme viva e intentando seguir sus instrucciones y las de Srila Prabhupada, sin ellas hubiera sido imposible percibir a Sri Krsna en todo aquello…

Ahora, por su misericordia sin causa, mis heridas casi han sanando y todo parece más claro. Hemos recuperado fuerzas, entusiasmo y nos sentimos lo suficientemente estables para empezar a avanzar con determinación.

¡Deseamos ser Soldados útiles, Tenemos una deuda que pagar!... la bendita deuda que tenemos con usted y con Srila Prabhupada, muchas veces ha sido lo único que me motivó a continuar. Confió firmemente en que, por su misericordia sin causa, algún día podremos desarrollar un amor genuino por nuestro muy misericordioso Señor y amo.

Gurudeva, gracias por rescatarnos, por guiarnos en el camino que su Divino Maestro ha dejado para que podamos volver con nuestro muy amoroso Señor.

Su torpe aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

(PD. Enviamos fotos de algunas flores del jardín con la esperanza de que agraden a Lord Nrsmhadeva)


Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my deepest obeisances

All Glories be to Srila Prabhupada, savior of the fallen!

and All Glories to You who guide us in the footsteps of Your Divine Master.

HpS - Our divine master, no?

Today, Guru Purnima, after his class I reflected a little about the many teachers that the merciful Lord Hari has placed on my path. Get to see, a little, the infinite help that our Lord has given me and meditate on the immense debt that I have acquired with those teachers.

Without a doubt, meeting Srila Prabhupada and meeting you has been the greatest fortune of my existence, thank you very much!... Today I was able to clearly remember many, many, many occasions when I was saved by your instructions... I still have so much to learn, I am a foolish student who makes mistakes over and over again, and I am captivated by maya in many ways. Then I come back crying to you begging for help… Please forgive me for abusing your mercy!

The last few years, due to a strong shock, I was shipwrecked in a stormy ocean of darkness, fear and confusion. I think my only achievement was staying alive and trying to follow his and Srila Prabhupada's instructions, without them it would have been impossible to perceive Sri Krsna in all that...

Now, by his causeless mercy, my wounds have almost healed and everything seems clearer. We have regained strength, enthusiasm and we feel stable enough to start moving forward with determination.

We want to be useful Soldiers, We have a debt to pay!... the blessed debt that we owe to you and to Srila Prabhupada, many times has been the only thing that motivated me to continue. I firmly trust that, by his causeless mercy, we will one day be able to develop a genuine love for our most merciful Lord and master.

Gurudeva, thank you for rescuing us, for guiding us on the path that his Divine Master has left so that we can return to our very loving Lord.

Your clumsy would-be servant

Karuna Sakti Devi Dasi

(PS We sent photos of some flowers from the garden in the hope that they will please Lord Nrsmhadeva)

HpS - ASA --- It is just a fact that we could have written the exact same letter to Srila Prabhupada. We hope that you are connecting with him through many other sources besides us. We hope to help as Diksa and Siksa guru's under his authority.

Even if we stumble, you can stay upright and help any others get up.

War on the Witch (Who is actually our good mother)!