Guru Purnima: White witch without powers

2 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:

AGTSP, pamho

I hope this meets you in good health and happy

The last few weeks have been very stressful. My job is very demanding. I am so saturated that one day I forgot that I had to give classes. At which age shall I retire?? 55??

Sometimes I am scared to death that I am too much contaminated with material mentality. I like to have good accomodations as well as cultivate the human Spirit. It's an art 🎭

In the next period I will reduce the workload (I hope) I will not continue in 4 universities. Just two.

Janmastami is comming and on that date I will take the opportunity to renew my vows.

OVer the last two weeks I had the intention of joining the full morning program, nevertheless my body did not have the strength to join. My sincere apologies for that

On the other hand you are always in my heart. I just wanted to greet you on this auspicious day and thank you for always being there. Listening to your japa and classes are a breath of fresh air for my soul.

Next week I will finish the translation of my part of waves of devotion. This is my only current practical service. Thanks for engaging me in your service

I hope to see you soon. See you in FMP

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - ASA - Super, super, news bulletin. We don't need so much. We can be happy with Krsna and some other devotees in a little boat.

Go ahead. If you work at it in your next life you be in Goloka or in the body of a Sannyasi.

Were we like you in our last life, but did you job correctly?

Next letter. Let's go.