Mi servicio: Guirnaldas!

2 years, 5 months ago by dpsanchezm in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Le comento que desde hace 4 años realizo un servicio fijo en el Templo. Hacer las guirnaldas es un lindo servicio, el cual puedo desarrollar con mucho amor y devoción. Participo del servicio todos los jueves y por supuesto para los festivales, decorando el altar con hermosas flores y cintas de colores.

Muchas gracias Maharaja por permitirme compartirle algunas fotografías de mi servicio.

Su sirviente,

Diana Sánchez

Iskcon Chile


Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

I tell him that for 4 years I have been doing a permanent service in the Temple. Making the garlands is a beautiful service, which I can develop with a lot of love and devotion. I participate in the service every Thursday and of course for the festivals, decorating the altar with beautiful flowers and colored ribbons.

Thank you very much Maharaja for allowing me to share some pictures of my service with you.

his servant,

Diane Sanchez

Iskcon Chile

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!! In San Francisco the floral shops sold garlands from Hawaii. I think now they might be like $70 each!

Offering Krsna nice garlands and flowers is not a small thing.

I hope the systematic nature of your service extends to organize your life, other service, and add color to it.

Why not do the same job with the Gopis in Goloka?

There the flowers are people.

Very nice, informative photos. After our Lion on a Bicycle we offered some flowers.

Send some photos of your good self with some friends?