Hari Hari, i hope all souls can have Mukti

2 years, 7 months ago by narotam_armijo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pls acept my obeisances

Here Narotam Armijo

Hari bol maharaja, here i am, i dont know what to do whit my life, the future look uncertan, and i dont even know if im going to be live tomorrow, is the first time that i have this sensation in my heart, it feels so weird, this happend to you in a moment in your life?

But i still chantig my 16 rounds, and making service, also i have more relation whit the devoties and that feels so good, talk with them about Krishna and all clase of other stuff, yesterday for example y have a converzation whit prabhu Ekalatisvara, (im not sure if that is the correct form to write) we talk about mahabaratha and more specific the man that i think have the most sad history in the entire book, and how he looses because he dont follow the Krsna's orden to admit to every one that he is the hermano mayor (big brother i think?) Of the kurus, And in this way he can take the throne and all the war will stop, but he have this promise to Duryudana in contrast whit Aryuna how follow the orden of Krishna to fight althougt he have to kill his own parents, but because favor of God he will win aganst any enemy.

Good by Maharaja, i hope write more frecuent to you.

Hare Krsna.!!!! AgtSP. Radharani sees the whole world vacant unless She sees something that will make Krsna happy that She can do.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3kd0mxzezk 4hours 38 minutes.