Grihasta Asram

2 years, 8 months ago by sacinandan das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurueva, please aceept my humble obeisances.

This isnt a good letter.

only is a whish sincere for thank you,

Im reading "Beyon Ilusion and Doubt".

listening carefully to the expert rebuttals by Srila Prabhupada.

Smaranam is my best service for this days,

I will be Dad,

my wife told you in her previous letter,

of course we are formally married.

HpS/ASA - Jaya!

A strange feeling towards the unknown,

run and run I arrived here looking for sharpness,

the asram has a high volumen

my daughters talk like that,

we have a nice garden,

of course you can visit us whenever you like,

ASA - Take artistic pictures of your garden for Lord Nrsmhadeva to see here in the Blog.

the night is very silent.

I trying to restart a Nama Hatta

and my chant well done,

looking for your service,

ASA - Send artistic pictures!

this letter is very similar to my mind, "sleepy".

The most cheerful and respectful greetings

your little servant:Sacinandan Das.

* Sorry for missing the standards in the letters.