[PC - Mangala Arati] Siempre presente 馃尡

2聽years, 6聽months ago by nicole_silva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna querido Maharaja, buenas noches. Lamento escribir tan tarde, pero necesitaba darme un espacio sin distracciones para escribir esta carta 鈽猴笍

Tengo hartas cosas que contarle, ya que me he ausentado bastante del blog, as铆 que comenzar茅 de a poco para no alargar tanto la carta 馃檹

Primero que todo, quer铆a agradecer su permanencia y constante presencia en mi d铆a a d铆a. Es realmente un b谩lsamo al coraz贸n tener la oportunidad de compartir con usted y los devotos a diario. Espero que Krsna nos permita mantener el contacto por mucho tiempo m谩s 馃檹馃槆

Por otro lado, quer铆a hablarle sobre algo que me est谩 dando vueltas en la cabeza y el coraz贸n, y que tiene relaci贸n con mi vida espiritual 馃檶馃摽

Desde hace un poco m谩s de 2 a帽os le escrib铆 en este blog pregunt谩ndole humildemente si pod铆a refugiarme en usted y en Srila Prabhupada, pero no estaba en mis planes o, m谩s bien, no me hab铆a cuestionado el c贸mo funciona en ISKCON el refugio formal.

Hace un par de d铆as, Priya Sakhi dd me escribi贸 indicando que la posibilidad de tomar iniciaci贸n con usted era baja, ya que al parecer no iba a efectuar m谩s iniciaciones, o bien, las 煤ltimas se iban a celebrar el pr贸ximo a帽o.

Esa noticia toc贸 mucho mi coraz贸n e hizo cuestionarme sobre la formalidad del refugio que le hab铆a solicitado en primera instancia.

Frente a aquello, quer铆a consultarle humildemente, si es que me permite y si le parece correcto, comenzar con los tr谩mites y protocolos necesarios para proceder con el refugio formal y luego llegar a tomar iniciaci贸n en un futuro pr贸ximo, si Krsna as铆 lo permite.

En mi coraz贸n solo hay gratitud hacia usted y hacia los vaisnavas.

Y mi deseo de avanzar en Conciencia de Krsna est谩 constante en mi coraz贸n. Muchas veces la Bruja Negra me atrapa y me entretiene con sus juegos, pero Krsna siempre me llama con su flauta 馃挄馃尰

Espero no importunar con mi pregunta, Maharaja. Quedar茅 atenta a lo que usted me recomiende 馃槆

Deseo de coraz贸n que todo marche bien d铆a a d铆a, y que de salud se encuentre pleno y feliz. Que el Se帽or Nrisimha lo proteja eternamente.

Se despide humildemente.

Bh. Nicole


Hare Krsna, dear Maharaja, good evening. I'm sorry to write so late, but I needed to give myself a space without distractions to write this letter 鈽猴笍

I have a lot of things to tell you, since I've been away from the blog a lot, so I'll start little by little so as not to lengthen the letter so much 馃檹

First of all, I wanted to thank him for his permanence and constant presence in my day to day life. It is truly a balm to the heart to have the opportunity to share with you and the devotees on a daily basis. I hope Krsna allows us to keep in touch for a long time 馃檹馃槆

On the other hand, I wanted to talk to you about something that is spinning around in my head and heart, and that is related to my spiritual life 馃檶馃摽

A little over 2 years ago I wrote to you on this blog humbly asking if I could take refuge with you and Srila Prabhupada, but it was not in my plans or, rather, I had not questioned how formal refuge works in ISKCON.

A couple of days ago, Priya Sakhi dd wrote to me indicating that the possibility of taking initiation with you was low, since apparently he was not going to do any more initiations, or else the last ones were going to take place next year.

That news touched my heart a lot and made me question the formality of the refuge that I had requested in the first instance.

Faced with that, I wanted to humbly consult you, if you allow me and if it seems correct, to start with the procedures and protocols necessary to proceed with the formal refuge and then get to take initiation in the near future, if Krsna allows it.

HpS - Of course. Is not difficult. Read: http://www.jayarama.us/peru/archivos/guru-tattva-es.txt ... I think it answers all the formal questions.

In my heart there is only gratitude to you and to the Vaisnavas.

And my desire to advance in Krsna Consciousness is constant in my heart. Many times the Black Witch catches me and entertains me with her games, but Krsna always calls me with her flute 馃挄馃尰

I hope I am not bothering you with my question, Maharaja. I will be attentive to what you recommend 馃槆

I wish from my heart that everything goes well day by day, and that your health is full and happy. May Lord Nrisimha protect him eternally.

He humbly says goodbye.

Bh. Nicole

HpS - Hello! Nice to hear from you!! Yes, please communicate more. It is interesting "wish that our health is full". That really means, "wish that you die while reading this letter".

This body is a very bad disease.

Death in Yoga means recover of good health.

We hope you die as soon as possible also!!!

More news.

We are always together in Srila Prabhupada's service!