[[[PC -Nrsmha Bhoga]]].

2 years, 6 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev!!

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias!!

Querido Gurudev, en relación es está según entiendo propuesta

HpS - Thank you. More news of our Sankirtan soon and then maybe you will see some help you can give!!

Cuente con migo, y lo seguimos hablando..

HpS - I think I am not advancing but then I think about my Lord Nrsmha deva getting lost on the airplane of something and the thought is devastating. We don't realize how attached, much love we have for the Holy Names, dieties until they go away!

Does your heart begin to melt? Even a little bit?

Si, cambia mi día , si atiendo bien a mis Deidades, y cuando no puedo siento su Ausencia.

Ahora estoy visitando a mis padres en el Sur, y después volvemos a Mar del Plata.

Estamos bien en los cuatro principios y las 16 rondas,

Por Su gracias hemos obtenido siertas realizaciones que confirman lo que dicen las escrituras, que muchas veces solo las repetimos, pero ya no tenemos dudas, producto de la confusión de Kali.

Seguimos con el Curso de Electricidad.


Por qué cuando bañamos a las salagram Shilas, e invocamos a los Ríos Sagrados no se invoca el Río Gandaki, del cual las Salagram Shilas son originarias.

A Su Servicio Adi Yajña Das

Hare Krishna Gurudev!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! Please accept my humble obeisances!!

Dear Gurudev, in relation is as I understand proposalHpS - Thank you. More news of our Sankirtan soon and then maybe you will see some help you can give!!

Count on me, and we'll keep talking about it..

HpS - I think I am not advancing but then I think about my Lord Nrsmha deva getting lost on the airplane of something and the thought is devastating. We don't realize how attached, much love we have for the Holy Names, dieties until they go away!

Does your heart begin to melt? Even a little bit?

Yes, it changes my day, if I attend well to my Deities, and when I cannot feel their Absence.

Now I am visiting my parents in the South, and then we return to Mar del Plata.

 We are good in the four principles and the 16 rounds, By His grace we have obtained certain realizations that confirm what the scriptures say, that many times we only repeat them, but we no longer have doubts, product of Kali's confusion.

We continue with the Electricity Course.

Ask. Why when we bathe the Salagram Shilas, and invoke the Sacred Rivers, the Gandaki River, from which the Salagram Shilas originate, is not invoked.

At Your Service Adi Yajna Das

HpS - Very good question. It is a general Mantra to invoke sacred rivers for service of all Deities, not just Saligram. Maybe that is partially why.

We see very selfish, strong demoniac attitudes coming out of our heart as we advance in devotional service, no? Guess that is a sign that we are advancing. We are getting to the deep desires and then again and again and again we must chose to abandon them and chant Hare Krsna or just continue as egoistic deomons.

9.43PM --- long dia! Unas cartas mas y descanso. Eyes failing.