[PC - nrsinhabhoga]REPORTE Y CONTACTO

2 years, 2 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

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Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

My obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you.

Here Deva-Vrata das from Córdoba Argentina.

I hope as always that you are in good health and in all aspects.

HpS - 74-year old body! Eyes etc failing. Intelligence increasing?


Here continuing with my humble sankirtan, distributing the mercy that Srila Prabhupada gives in his books.

In May I was able to distribute 159 books and 8 Bhagavad Gita.

ASA - 159!

It is insignificant, but preaching and going out with books keeps me alive and I feel useful in life.

ASA - Super, super, super. Every student of Nimai feels the same way: How can I do Sankirtan? Even a dog can take part and dance in ecstacy. What can I do?

Gurudev, I can really realize how insignificant I am...

HpS - You are very advanced!

Recently, I discovered on the YouTube channel of ASA Audiovisual a book by your disciple Jambavati dd called "Cada Oso has Its Dance -Autobiography of a Yogini" that inspired me a lot in sankirtan and made me see how great you and How much service have many of your disciples done...

HpS - Just hearing her name we feel strong emotion! She has got so much mercy. If you can meet her and get some association from her it will be wonderful.

To you and to them I want to give my humble obeisances.

Sometimes when I see all the service you do I don't want to bother you with my things, but I say to myself how can I have a personal relationship with my Guru if I don't communicate with him and raise my concerns?

TB/BW - You can also talk with us, Monkey and Piggy!

I am at a point in my life where the only thing that keeps me going is Srila Prabhupada's promise in his books that if we follow the path of Krsna consciousness, we will return to Krsna.

HpS - We will see rapid progress!

I perform my Sadhana to the best of my ability. But my material life is quite insipid. I don't find much motivation in material life itself.

HpS - How can we??? It is a two dimensional movie of a three (plus) dimensional relaity! Of course, as we advance we see that "material" life is also real, like the work of the hospital is also real life.

I don't know how long I can stay fixed in spiritual life, how long my feeble faith in Krsna can stay, when sometimes I feel so dissatisfied with my life in general.

I read a lot of Srila Prabhupada's books. I eagerly seek explanations to the enigmas of life, to apply them to my life. I want to find answers.

I started reading the Bhagavad Gita again, in detail, word by word. I want to untangle this constant dissatisfaction in my life that has haunted me since I was a child.

And also Srimad Bhagavatam.

My service is of low quality. I am always waiting for recognition. And when they don't give it to me, I suffer.

I wanted to ask you, how can we not be constantly waiting for recognition from others? It is a state that keeps me in anxiety... I would like to act for Krsna regardless of whether others see me or not...

ASA - We remember a nice instruction from the Bible: When you do your fasts and religious austerities, do not go out in public with a long face to show what you are doing.

Do your austerities alone in your closet, in private, and the Supreme Lord who sees all things in private, will reward you in private.

On the other hand it is not wrong to see that we are making the devotees happy! They are good windows to Krsna, no?

Be enthusiastic to ask questions. Solve problems, but be enthusiastic to be patient also, or your enthusiams will turn into passion!! 🎉

Thank you for everything Gurudev.

I am very, very, very fortunate that you have given me this opportunity to accept me as your disciple. When I see your face I am filled with joy and reverence.

HpS - Don't mistake the mailman for the letter writer! AgtSP!!! Maybe we have done a


to help Srila Prabhupada.

Your association. All ISKCON, ASA, members is essential.

Will we meet each other again taking birth in Nabadvipa with a very unusual neighbor

Since I met you in 2017 in Chile, I was able to understand how great and pure you are, and how insignificant and impure I am.

I hope I can do something useful for you one day.

Hare Krishna!

Deva-Vrata das



Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Mis reverencias a tus pies de loto

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y todas las glorias a ti.

Aquí Deva-Vrata das de Córdoba Argentina.


 Espero como siempre que estés bien de salud y en todos los aspectos.


Reportandome y revelando la mente.

 Acá siguiendo con mi humilde sankirtan, distribuyendo la misericordia que da Srila Prabhupada en sus libros. 

 En mayo pude distribuir 159 libros entre grandes y pequeños y 8 Bhagavad Gita. 

 Es insignificante, pero la prédica y salir con los libros a la calle me mantiene vivo y me siento útil en la vida.


 Gurudev, puedo darme cuenta realmente cuan insignificante soy... 

 Hace poco, descubrí en el canal de youtube de ASA Audiovisual un libro de tu discípula Jambavati dd que se llama “Cada Oso tiene Su Danza -Autobiografía de una Yogini” que me inspiró mucho en el sankirtan y me hizo ver cuán grande eres tu y cuánto servicio han hecho muchos de tus discípulos…

 A ti y a ellos quiero darles mis humildes reverencias.


 A veces cuando veo todo el servicio que haces no quiero molestarte con mis cosas, pero me digo a mi mismo ¿cómo puedo tener una relación personal con mi Guru si no me comunico con él y le planteo mis inquietudes?

Estoy en un momento de mi vida donde lo único que me mantiene en pie es la promesa que Srila Prabhupada hace en sus libros, de que si seguimos el sendero de conciencia de Krsna, volveremos con Krsna.

Cumplo con mi sadhana lo mejor que puedo. Pero mi vida material es bastante insípida. No encuentro mucha motivación en la vida material en sí...

No sé cuanto tiempo puedo mantenerme fijo en la vida espiritual, cuánto puede mantenerse mi endeble fe en Krsna, cuando a veces me siento tan inconforme con mi vida en general.

Leo bastante los libros de Srila Prabhupada. Busco ávidamente explicaciones a los enigmas de la vida, para aplicarlas a mi vida. Quiero encontrar respuestas.

Comencé nuevamente a leer el Bhagavad Gita, detalladamente, palabra por palabra. Quiero desenredar esta insatisfacción constante en mi vida que me persigue desde que era niño.

Y también el Srimad Bhagavatam.

Mi servicio es de baja calidad. Siempre estoy esperando que me den reconocimiento. Y cuando no me lo dan, sufro.

Quería preguntarte ¿cómo podemos hacer para no estar constantemente esperando reconocimiento de los demás? Es un estado que me mantiene en ansiedad... Quisiera actuar para Krsna sin importar si los otros me ven o no…

Gracias por todo Gurudev.

Tengo mucha, mucha, mucha, fortuna de que me hayas dado esta oportunidad de aceptarme como tu discípulo. Cuando veo tu rostro me lleno de alegría y reverencia.

Desde que te conocí en 2017 en Chile, que pude entender lo grande y puro que eres, y lo insignificante e impuro que soy.

Espero poder hacer algo útil por ti algún día.

Hare Krishna!

Deva-Vrata das