[[[Nrsmha Bhoga]]] Balaram

2 years, 8 months ago by pnd in Hot Topics

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glorie to Srila Prabhupada.

Our son got born recently. His legal name is Balarám.

Balaram and my good wife Madana Priya dd are already back home for a more week. We are adjusting new everything :) So far everything good, wife is recovering although sleeping randomly due to care as he is active more during night.

We already took him to the temple for darshan of Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Candra. I read first going outside and for temple should be after 3 months, but in Slovakia we need to go often to doctor for checkups with him already from first days, so we took him to the temple of Ekadasi.

From brief look in astrology he may have some ksatria qualities and will love to analyse things. And seems he will be big eater and short temper after father. 🙂

Please give him your blessings so he will be good devotee and will assist in Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Hare Krsna. ASA - Hare Rama. Oh, my gosh, what have you done! Another PnD. Grand parents, pleased.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.

So nice!

...but who knows who he is and what is his Karma.

Abhimanyu was a WONDERFUL son. Arjuna was so attached to him and then... ... . !!!

We are no longer in the external story. We are in the internal story.

Be pure so you can give him purity!!!!

Thank you.

Be on you continent about 21st July.

Thank you very much.

All respects to Mataji.