Las glorias de Lavanya Mangala dd

2 years, 7 months ago by Juan Espejo Thorndike in Other

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva

Mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Disculpe por favor el no haberle escrito antes, la verdad aún estoy conmocionado por la partida de mi esposa Lavanya Mangala dd.

Quisiera compartir con usted, cómo Lavanya vivió su enfermedad y cómo partió de éste mundo.

Durante todo el año que duró su enfermedad siempre mantuvo una actitud positiva y optimista, nunca perdió su sonrisa y dulzura hacia los demás. Ella siempre se mantuvo ecuánime y me decía que todo en la vida incluyendo la enfermedad era por algo bueno, ya que de todo ello se podía aprender.

Con una valentía admirable Lavanya soportó y aceptó el dolor; y, todas las complicaciones que la enfermedad le produjeron y si bien es cierto luchó contra la enfermedad en la medida que pudo ella siempre aceptó la voluntad de Dios, "que se haga tu voluntad Krsna" decía y es que lo amaba y lo ama con todo su corazón.

Los últimos meses ella sabía que se acercaba el final y aún así con lo difícil que es saber esto se mantuvo ecuánime y en paz consigo misma.

El 29 de marzo, día en que dejó el cuerpo me dijo "creo que hoy día me voy a morir", le pregunte si quería que la llevara hospital y me dijo que no. Nosotros ya habíamos hablado de como quería que fuera su partida de éste mundo y ella mencionó: "con oraciones y en compañía de mis seres queridos".

Y así lo hicimos querido Gurudeva la acompañamos en éste momento tan importante nuestros hijos, mis hermanas y yo cantando todos juntos el Maha Mantra y recitando el Salmo 23 el cual le gustaba mucho.

Ahora estoy tranquilo sabiendo que ella está cantando y bailando en el cielo como dijo usted, pero aún siento mucho dolor y tristeza por la partida de mi amada. Estoy aferrandome a Krsna, tratando de cantar mis rondas y estoy llendo al templo de Chosica los sábados para cocinarle a Radha Madhana Vihari y esto me está haciendo mucho bien.

Muchas gracias por su inmensa misericordia, lo quiero mucho.

Su sirviente

Jana-pavana das


Hare Krsna, dear Gurudeva.

My obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please excuse me for not writing to you earlier, I am still in shock after the departure of my wife Lavanya Mangala dd.

HpS - I think we all are in some way.

I would like to share with you how Lavanya experienced her illness and how she left this world.

Throughout the year that her illness lasted, she always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude, she never lost her smile and sweetness towards others. She always remained equanimous and told me that everything in life, including illness, was for something good, since she could learn from all of it.

HpS - Such a fortunate person. So fortunate those who know her.

With admirable bravery Lavanya bore and accepted the pain; and, all the complications that the disease caused her and although it is true that she fought against the disease to the extent that she could, she always accepted the will of God, "may your will be done Krsna" she said and that is that she loved Him and loves Him with all your heart.

The last few months she knew that the end was near and yet as difficult as it is to know this she remained level-headed and at peace with herself.

HpS - The end of the car ride to the airport. Changing from one vehicle to another.

On March 29, the day she left her body, she told me "I think today I am going to die", I asked her if she wanted me to take her to the hospital and she said no. We had already talked about how she wanted her departure from this world to be and she mentioned: "with prayers and in the company of my loved ones."

And so we did, dear Gurudeva, we accompanied her at this important moment, our children, my sisters and I, singing the Maha Mantra together and reciting Psalm 23, which she liked very much.

HpS - So, nice!

Now I am calm knowing that she is singing and dancing in heaven as you said, but I still feel a lot of pain and sadness for the departure of my beloved. I am clinging to Krsna, trying to chant my rounds and I am going to Chosica temple on Saturdays to cook for Radha Madhana Vihari and this is doing me a lot of good.

Thank you very much for her immense mercy, I love you very much.

Your servant,

Jana-pavana das

HpS - ... Srila Prabhupada... It is like saying good bye to a family member in 1925 when they are taking a boat to work in China for 3-years. We will all meet again. There will be telegrams, but still there is very natural separation.

What service did she want for Krsna. If we help accomplish that we will feel intimate, intimate connection.