[[[Nrsmha Bhoga]]].

2 years, 9 months ago by i8themaha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna///*****--+++-**++-**+-*+

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Maharaja,

I am guessing that the Boise trip is fantastic! I wish I could be there for the movie premiere. But at least I'll be there for Ratha Yatra!!

I'll see you this weekend!!

HpS - I think tomorrow, no??

I'm still chanting 16 rounds and following the four regs.

HpS - Me too!

I did have a question though....

Recently I was in Utah at Sadhu Sanga. I was helping out in the kitchen for the Prasad preps.

I was remembering the lecture you gave? Or maybe I just remember this?? when you were glorifying Jayananada Prabhu for his tireless service during one Ratha Yatra. He served for three days straight and then sat in front of the Deities and chanted his 48 or 64 rounds to catch up for the rounds he owed...

I was remembering this when I was in the kitchen...because apparently I had no idea that chefs start at 2 or 3 in the morning...

I had a choice to be in the kitchen (tent) and learn how to cook, but I just couldn't justify it in my heart and head to be there during Japa time.

I knew if I went to that kitchen that early then how would I catch up on my rounds for a week??

So I normally would chant my rounds plus FMP and then go to the kitchen...

Was this the correct thing to do? I know it sounds silly to ask, but my question is about chanting and sadhana verses helping to serve all the devotees Prasad.

HpS - It seems correct to me. Firs service to Srila Prabhupada is chant Hare Krsna. then Bloga, diety worship. Deities are not happy with Bhoga offerings that are not based on Hari Kirtan, no?

The prayer to be of service verses service to the devotees.

So what I ended up doing was chanting, and then I would join the kitchen around breakfast time. It was a compromise for the kitchen, but not the sadhana.

I was thinking that this would definitely qualify as a situation like the special occasion of Ratha Yatra, but I didn't want to risk it, so I chanted.

Plus I thought it would be pretty weird to be at a spiritual retreat and be behind on my chanting, huh??!!

What do you think, Guru Maharaja??

Your servant,

Jaya Hari Das

Oh ! P.s..... It's looking like the spiritual world in Utah!

Lots of beautiful mountains, Llamas, white and blue/green peacocks, and parrots saying, "Prabhuuuuuuuu".

The parrots apparently also chant Hare Krishna, but I never heard.

Hare Krishna!! (Imaginarily said in my imitation of the parrot chanting)

HpS - Thank you!!! See you tomorrow.