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2 years, 7 months ago by narotam_armijo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hari bol

Todas las glorias a srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Como ha estado? Se encuentra bien de salud?

Yo me encuentro muy bien, acabo de superar (gracias a Krshna) a este virus del covid con cierta facilidad ya que dentro de todo la pase algo rapido.

Le escribo hoy porque me gustaria empezar a hablarle con mayor regularidad y no se bien en cual de las categorias deberia escribirle.

Tambien estaria muy agradecido que usted me diera alguna instruccion para seguir a lo largo de mi vida.

Hare krshna Maharaja, ojala poder seguir viendolo y escuchandolo durante varios años mas. Hari bol :D

Hari bol

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. please accept my obeisances

How have you been?

HpS - Old age and death are sitting besides us as we write.

Are you in good health? I feel very well, I have just overcome (thanks to Krshna) this covid virus with some ease since, all in all, it happened quickly. I am writing to you today because I would like to start talking to you more regularly and I am not sure in which of the categories I should write to you. I would also be very grateful if you would give me some instruction to follow throughout my life.

Hare krshna Maharaja, I wish I could continue seeing and listening to him for several more years. Hari bol

HpS - Hare Krsna!!! Use the Personal Sadhana category, but always get informed from the Kapi Dhvaja. Patrak Das translates it monthly and then put the current Priority Code in your letters so that our mail clerks give it priority.

Are you in SCHOOL? Starting a career with your brothers as an acrobat??

Raising dancing cats colored like zebras??

So, so, so, so very, very, very nice to hear from you. We think of Santiago immediately.