papas Gauranga

2 years, 9 months ago by gadadhara_gosai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis reverencias todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudev, seguimos tratando de seguir sus instrucciones paso a paso, el camino de vuelta a Krishna es un arte y estamos aprendiendo a ser seguidores con buena asociación viviendo una vida simple tratando de servir el movimiento de Sankirtan.

Consientes de su próxima visita a México nosotros pensamos que Krishna es el tiempo es eterno y estamos ansiosos y felices de su visita, muchas situaciones pasaron y seguimos vivos.

Para nosotros sería una gran misericordia si visita Monterrey. Tenemos la capacidad de recibir devotos de todo el mundo, el hostal (Hotel Hare Krishna) tiene capacidad para 40 devotos hospedados, en la misma propiedad tenemos una sala de prédica y restaurante en el centro de Monterrey.

Prabhu Adhoksaya mantiene la adoración de la deidad Sri Krishna Balaram y la prédica cada domingo. El restaurante tiene un equipo de devotos el devotos que preparan el prasadam, el devoto que dirige la cocina es prabhu Kardama Muni. Yo estoy desarrollando la huerta y el goshala así como proyectos en relación de la finca y desarrollando nuevos proyectos.

La finca está ubicada a 60km de la cuidad de Monterrey cuenta con instalaciones completas para su estadía & devotos también servicios como internet satelital, luz, agua potable, cocina etc...

Nuestro Sankirtan, educación de nuestros hijos y una buena relación con mi esposa Ananda es mi prioridad así como servir a los vaisnavas, mantenemos buena sanga con los devotos y tenemos contacto en 3 universidades de Monterrey así como también con comunidades adventistas que son vecinos de nuestra finca Hare Krishna.

Cantando japa, cultivando Bhakti Yoga la misericordia de Krishna nos permite poder servirlo a usted y Srila Prabhupada.

Su sirviente Gadadhar Gosai Das 


Please accept my obeisances all glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudev, we keep trying to follow his instructions step by step, the way back to Krishna is an art and we are learning to be followers with good association living a simple life trying to serve the Sankirtan movement.

Aware of his next visit to Mexico, we think that Krishna is time is eternal and we are anxious and happy for his visit, many situations have passed and we are still alive.

For us it would be a great mercy if you visit Monterrey. We have the capacity to receive devotees from all over the world, the hostel (Hare Krishna Hotel) has capacity for 40 lodged devotees, in the same property we have a preaching room and restaurant in the center of Monterrey.

Prabhu Adhoksaya holds deity Sri Krishna Balaram worship and preaching every Sunday. The restaurant has a team of devotees the devotees who prepare the prasadam, the devotee who runs the kitchen is prabhu Kardama Muni. I am developing the garden and the goshala as well as projects related to the farm and developing new projects.

The farm is located 60km from the city of Monterrey and has complete facilities for your stay & devotees also services such as satellite internet, electricity, drinking water, kitchen etc...

Our Sankirtan, education of our children and a good relationship with my wife Ananda is my priority as well as serving the Vaisnavas, we maintain a good sangha with the devotees and we have contact in 3 universities in Monterrey as well as with Adventist communities that are neighbors of our Hare Krishna estate.

Chanting japa, cultivating Bhakti Yoga, Krishna's mercy enables us to serve you and Srila Prabhupada.

His servant Gadadhar Gosai Das

HpS - ASA - thank you ... agtsp... paoho.... hare krsna!!!! in other letter today we discuss this with asta sakhi devi dasi. it sounds good. of course, we have to keep communication. we are making our sankirtan plans and maya is making hers!!

thank you!!

very best wishes for supreme intelligence in how to preach lord caitanya's message.