{{{[[[(((Papas Gauranga)))]]]}}}

2 years, 8 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances at Your Lotus Feet

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada

El Sadana continues well, we have had to fight with the distractions, at the same time today has been a very good day, very good rounds, we even called 4 extra rounds and maybe we will call 4 more extra rounds by the end of the day, that's 24 rounds. I'm singing more because I owe rounds of the year 2020.

HpS - Special mercy!!

In relation to Your questions in the answers to My previous letter:

HpS // ASA -- Thank you Adi-yajna Das!!! You seem to be on the proper path! Is your experience of the chanting of the Holy Names as separate from your gross body increasing?

...not as much as that, but I have connected with the prayers of all the daily programs and it has been a feeling of great happiness and gratitude

HpS - I think I am not advancing but then I think about my Lord Nrsmha deva getting lost on the airplane of something and the thought is devastating. We don't realize how attached, much love we have for the Holy Names, dieties until they go away!

Does your heart begin to melt? Even a little bit?

My heart has changed, there is still a long way to go because the passion is still active and predominates. but there are little nectars, much gratitude to the devotees, and much hope that we can take the mercy of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda.

Is your Sankirtan taking form as a long term project?

hIf, in the future, I preach much more, now serving the devotees from the Pujari, and giving some classes, it is very austere for My travels, my mind cannot be abstracted or I lose introspection, and I remain all the time in a extrovert modality, and this causes me a lot of suffering, since I cannot sing the rounds well, read, or even go to bed early. I have tried to develop it over the years traveling but I have not had the capacity, perhaps when the passion decreases more and detachment matures I can remain more introspective

HpS - I think it will.

 Are you beginning to feel to whom you are supposed to preach?

I don't know Gurudev. Personally, in the classes I teach, my focus is that everyone who comes (both devotees and new people), are looking for the shelter of the Lord and His devotees, or even some hope to continue in life and What I intend is to contain and nurture people's lives with the knowledge of Srila Prabhupada's Books and the teachings and realizations of the devotees. There is much to continue maturing. We know that it is very rewarding to be able to speak of the revealed scriptures


On the other hand, here we celebrated the Nrisimha Caturdasi festival, it was very nice, approximately 60 people came, there was abisheka, kirtan, class (they invited me to present the pastime, it was the first time that I give a class for Lord Nrisimha) and also a lot of prasadam , the entire congregation from Mar del Plata came and many new guests, several devotees from other cities in the country

At Your Service Adi Yajña Das

HpS - Thank you. More news of our Sankirtan soon and then maybe you will see some help you can give!!


Hare Krishna querido Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a Sus Pies de Loto

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada

El Sadana sigue bien, hemos tenido que luchar con las distracciones, a la vez hoy a sido un dia muy bueno, muy buenas rondas, incluso cantamos 4 rondas extras y quizas cantemos 4 rondas extras mas para el final del Dia, eso 24 rondas. Estoy cantando mas por que adeudo rondas del año 2020.

En relacion a Sus preguntas en la respuestas a Mi carta anterior

HpS // ASA -- Thank you Adi-yajna Das!!! You seem to be on the proper path! Is your experience of the chanting of the Holy Names as separate from your gross body increasing?

tanto como eso no, pero he conectado con las oraciones de todos los programas diarios y a sido una sencacion de mucha felicidad y agradecimiento

Does your heart begin to melt? Even a little bit?

Mi corazon a cambiado, falta mucho aun por que la pasion sigue estando activa y predomina. mas hay pequeños nectares, mucho agradecimiento a los devotos, y mucha esperanza de poder tomar la misericordia del Señor Caitanya y el Señor Nityananda.

Is your Sankirtan taking form as a long term project?

Si, en un futuro, predicar mucho mas, ahora sirviendo a los devotos desde el Pujari, y dando algunas clases,es muy austero para Mi viajar, mi mente no se puede abstrae o sea pierdo la instrospeccion, y quedo todo el tiempo en una modalidad extrovertida, y esto me genera mucho sufrimiento, ya que no puedo cantar bien las rondas, leer, ni siquera acostarme temprano. lo he intentado desarrollar a lo largo de los añoss viajando pero no e tenido la capacidad, quizas cuando baje mas la pasion y madure el desapego pueda mantenrme mas introspectivo

Are you beginning to feel to whom you are supposed to preach?

No lo se Gurudev, Personalmente, en las clases que precento, mi centro es que todo el que viene(tantos devotos como personas nuevas), estan buscando el refugio del Señor y Sus devotos, o incluso alguna esperanza para continuar en la vida y lo que intento es contener y nutrir la vida de las personas con el conocimiento de los Libros de Srila Prabhupada y las enseñanzas y realizaciones de los devotos. Hay mucho para seguir madurando. Sabemos que es muy gratificante poder hablar de las escrituras reveladas

Por otro lado aqui festejamos el festival de Nrisimha Caturdasi, fue muy lindo vinieron aproximadamente 60 personas, hubo abisheka, kirtan, clase(me invitaron a Precentar el pasatiempo, fue la primera vez que doy una clase para el Señor Nrisimha)y tambien mucho prasadam, vino toda lacongregacion de Mar del Plata y mucho invitados nuevos, varios devotos de otras ciudades del pais

A Su Servicio Adi Yajña Das

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