Moving out [Jaya Hari Das] [Red Lord]

2 years, 9 months ago by yajnasenidd in Other



It’s been very tough to manage emotions this month. We ended up blocking my husband and his whole family. Our mutual apartment lease gets over in August. Over the past 2 years he’s asked me several times how to divide the furniture and others commodities.

My sadhana went down due to health. Now health is better but I’m not able to sleep on time somehow my thoughts bother me. Praying to Krsna and His devotees can forgive my offences.

your aspiring servant,

yajnaseni dd

HpS - Krsna tells Arjuna, one who does good, my friend, is never overcome by evil.

You are an example to so many other lady body Jivas who are in difficult situations in their marriage.

Did Mandodari have more difficult situation than you do?

Hope your Sankirtan is super.