[FMP PC = Red boat] ASA Carnaval report

2 years, 9 months ago by asacarnaval in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna, dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept our respectful obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

ASA - All glories to Srila Prabhupada. He never stops helping us inspite of our hipocrisy and vanity.


Grateful for all the effort you make to involve us in your Sankirtana.

I write as part of the ASA Carnaval team, to send our activity report:



*Promote the systematic study of Srila Prabhupada's Books.

*Provide interested parts with an organized cluster of; Classes, conferences, photographic memories and archives that H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami has shared with us through different media, on different dates and locations.

*Our intention is to bring together the SS HPS material published by different media, to facilitate the search for those interested.



*Our main platform is Facebook ─ Because this network is easily accessible for most of the interested persons and doesn´t imply an additional cost of mobile data.


*ISSUU ─ Platform for digital magazines, for the dissemination of written material.




* Re-Transmission live from Facebook, of the regular classes of the ASA, FMP and FEP. (All classes include the basic description of the content).

* When it comes to seminars or classes on the same topic; are organized into playlists.

* Editing and publishing of files written by SS HPS.

* Publication of photographs, sent by Vaisnava correspondents in the different yatras that SS HPS`s visits.

* General SS HPS`s phrases (always taking care of the context of the instruction and we add date and source for consultation of those interested)



1- CHALLENGE - “Too much content, not organized”

SOLUTION - We have created a table of contents. It is a Database that includes a general description of our content. We send link for review: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wwrOywwqci1IEkJsz3s055t0bGLIqRbj/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106345441462837247827&rtpof=true&sd=true

We are currently working on a Glossary of topics included in each class: Example (Varna Asrama Dharma, Administration, Guru Tattva, etc…)

HpS - ASA - Exactly! This is why we have not tried to publish too much our our lectures etc. For it to be useful there has to be editing and indexing. We are just trying to inspire people to find Srila Prabhupada in his books, not replace them!!! Thank you.


2- CHALLENGE – “Transmission quality”

We have detected some recurring errors:

*Late broadcast start – This occurs when the gotomeeting session opens and class immediately begins. Suggested Solution: Maybe we could log in a few minutes before the class starts.

* Partial or total loss due to power outages – Sometimes we lose the transmission due to power outages in the transmitter's region. Sometimes Srinivasa-Acarya Das Prabhu provides us with the gotomeeting recordings and we rescue the class. In others, due to his occupations, it has been impossible for him. Suggested Solution: Perhaps one of our team members can access the recording directly.

HpS/ASA - Many times record the broadcasts, but since no one asks us for them we don't find and share the links.

*Tests during the Broadcast – Occasionally, some first-time exhibitors spend some tutorships to get connected or manage the platform. Suggested Solution: Perform pre-tests (so far, we've done them with free gotomeeting. However; controls vary substantially)


3- CHALLENGE – “Sanctions for Copyright or others”

*When Facebook detects music or videos that infringe copyrights, or contain advertising, it removes or mutes the videos. Examples: “Govinda - The Radha Krsna Temple (London)”, some by Ilan Chester, among others. The risk is that they block the page for a few days. Suggested Solution: Avoid using these tracks during broadcasts, classes, seminars, etc.



In summary; According to the statistics provided by Facebook, the results of the last month are:

*The page has 1,400 Followers.

Of them, 417 - They are active followers (That is, they watch and share some classes)

While 146 are recurring viewers. (That is, they regularly attend full classes)

*On the other hand, the 5-minute "Views" exceed 1,500 views.

*Referring to Phrase images (from Twitter, Blog, Kapi Dhvaja) these exceed 500 interactions on average.

* Audience

Spanish speaking 88%

English speaking 12%

(These results are similar to those returned monthly by the page during the previous year.)



*We started uploading all the videos we have to our YouTube page of ASA Carnaval, our main intention is to generate a backup of all the content.

*Development of Glossary of Topics by classes.

*We are working on the translation of the “DTC” files that Prabhu Srinatha Krsna Dasa shared a long time ago on Drive.

*We are working on the translation of different PPT presentations, accumulated over the years.

* Project – Subtitle some videos in Spanish and English.

* Project – Organize Seminars on Vaisnava Marriage with Radhika Devi Dasi (Mexico) and Other Speakers. (This project was born from the wish expressed by some Vaisnavas at the end of Mataji classes)




Isvari Radha Devi Dasi (Perú) | Abhinandan Das (Perú) | Apsara Gopi Devi Dasi (Bolivia) | Kumari Devi Dasi (Perú) | Janardana Das (Perú) | Nandita Devi Dasi (México) | Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi (México).


Some correspondents:

Murari Das (Boise) | Sugopi Devi Dasi (Richmond) | Unmada-vidhayini dd (SS GPS) Houston | Ananda Moya Das (Houston)


Whoever wishes is welcome to the team!


CONTACT: [email protected]


So far our report, Thank you very much Gurudeva, thank you for giving us the opportunity to try to serve you, and be useful to his disciples and well-wishers.

Hoping to have a place in this great orchestra, we remain under your orders.


your servants

ASA Carnaval - Team

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi - General Coordination

HpS - ASA --- Whatever takes people to serve as specks of dust at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada is good. It will have lasting results. The rest we can be happy that it goes back into the earth as compost.

All glories to your all Sankirtan.