Hare Krishna

12 years, 10 months ago by Manuel Poblete in Personal Sadhana Reports



Dear Gurumaharaj, I hope you are fine. I am reading Krsna book and resuming my Bhakti Sastri´s studies with Patraka. Principles, rounds and service.

Gurumaharaj, which is the best way to interact with other Vaisnavas? Consult him because I have a close association with Atulananda Maharaja, I consider it a great devotee who has helped in my spiritual life. I have clearly that my home is ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada is our acarya. What think about this?

Your aspiring servant

Bhakta Manuel

HpS - AGTSP   pamho    I have only visited Atulananda Maharaja in Chile one time, so I cannot make any detailed illumination of his situation. Basically we are seeing Srila Prabhupada as bonafide Acharya and his comment is that anyone who is TRYING to avoid his ISKCON and become KC is living in a great illusion. So we may be separated from ISKCON. Some prominent GBC, Sannyasi, Guru devotees have been in that position, but as long as we WANT to reconcile things then we certainly cannot be rejected out right.

Make your decisions about with who to assoaciate based upon good Japa and Kirtan, books of Prabhupada, and association of devotees. In this respect there are nice devotees in ISKCON and our management structure with Temple President GBC et al, Sannyasis and Brahmanas).    With these three sources we can judge everyone and everything!