report: amavasya of feb-2

12 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj, AGTSP , PAMHO

in the letter  thy  asked us "Are there not any devotees where you are physically situated. They may be Ramanuja Sampradaya. Tha is still fine?"

-there are devotees, from chowpatty temple,  it is handled by Disciples of Radha Nath Maharaj.
we can give his details at ur mail id if  thy need it .he is in movement for about 15 years. he has intiated wife. they have very nice home and deities...
we goto there place for morning prasad...  association is there of  unmarried boys and students, only proff is married for 6 years, it seems he  is just to there to preach inside campus.... as it seems again he does/will not have child.
so difficult to find any grhastha association locally who can help us..with whom we can implement "guhyam akhyati pracchati"

our pyscho physical nature ,situaion and nature are completely and radically  different[ such though could be trick of  mind ], therefore we dont develop thick relation with any one. we have taken small vow of going to SUnday feast [as sabbath day].

we are sorry to privde you details.... but we thought its better to give information then to hide it

thank you for genuine concern. thy are our well wisher indeed.....

regards, unbriddled horse

HpS - ASA -   AGTSP      We see nothing to "hide".   You efforts seem very nice. Just have to keep up with them.  We have been in similar situations from time to time. They are arrangements of Krsna.    We have to become simply determined to follow the iinstructions of Lord Caitany, Harer Nama eva kevalau..., no?    Then little by little our complications will reduce and we wil see our path very scientifically. Of course, materialist or spiritualist that path leads to death!