BLUE boy

2 years, 8 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudev.

Mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudev, el verso al que me refería era el 3.5.7 del SB. En realidad me surgió la duda al leer el significado de éste verso y también porque escuché una clase donde Hrdayananda Das Goswami expresó que él siempre tuvo el deseo de predicarle a las personas inteligentes, y que él ahora lo puede hacer.

Tendríamos que definir primero ¿qué es inteligencia? y así saber ¿quiénes son las personas inteligentes? o como bien dice Srila Prabhupada; son aquellos nacidos por segunda vez, o sea, quienes toman un maestro espiritual...?

Creo que me surge esta pregunta, porque a veces veo muchos defectos cuando voy al templo. Veo que no se cuida la limpieza, los modales, la etiqueta entre los devotos, y eso me hace pensar que como devotos debemos volvernos personas más educadas, ser limpios, etc., pero hay casos en los que nuestra educación desde casa no ha sido la mejor, y no modificamos esos malos modales, y pienso que no nos ayuda en nuestro progreso espiritual, ni en la prédica, o el ejemplo que queremos dar para que las personas que se quieran unir, vean que servir a Krsna es lo mejor que se puede hacer.

Otra duda que le presenté, sobre el pie de página en los libros de SP. La preocupación de los devotos en el curso BVB es, que hay personas que pueden leer estas citas y pensar que es una forma de mala discriminación, o racismo.

Yo no tengo problemas con estas citas. Yo las entiendo bien y creo que es muy importante que las expliquemos y seamos representativos en nuestro actuar. Como usted dice, Srila Prabhupada nunca hizo esta discriminación mala. Así que nosotros debemos actuar de esa manera.

Gurudev, disculpe si es muy larga la carta. Espero se entienda.

Por lo general no revelo mucho mi mente.

Muchas gracias por todo su esfuerzo y paciencia.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi dd


Hare Krsna Gurudev.

My respectful obeisances.

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudev, the verse I was referring to was SB 3.5.7. Actually the doubt arose when I read the meaning of this verse and also because I heard a class where Hrdayananda Das Goswami expressed that he always had the desire to preach to intelligent people, and now he can do it.

We would have to define first what is intelligence? and thus know who are the intelligent people? or as Srila Prabhupada says; are those born for the second time, that is, those who take a spiritual master...?

I think this question comes to me, because sometimes I see many flaws when I go to the temple. I see that cleanliness, manners, etiquette among devotees are not taken care of, and that makes me think that as devotees we should become more educated people, be clean, etc., but there are cases in which our education from home has not been the best, and we do not change those bad manners, and I think that it does not help us in our spiritual progress, nor in preaching, or the example that we want to give so that the people who want to join, see that serving Krsna is the best thing that we can do. Can be done.

HpS - Of course, problems will always be in the institution. This is the material world. Look at SB, no? Problems from Brahma loka to Patala loka, but Hari Kirtan allows us to see those as aspects of the Yuga dharma, Hari Kirtan!

Then we can contribute our positive influence as Krsna desires. Apparently He stopped Bhisma from influencing the Game of Dice so that Kali yuga could progress.

Another doubt that I presented to him, about the footnote in the SP books. The concern of devotees on the BVB course is that there are people who may read these quotes and think that it is a form of bad discrimination, or racism.

HpS - Yes. It is a big controversy, challenge. Not just us, every religion in the past. Sincere people will be patient to understand everything, but of course we should help. I like keeping Srila Prabhupada's text as original as possible and then putting in footnotes to give perspective.

I have no problem with these appointments. I understand them well and I think it is very important that we explain them and be representative in our actions. As you say, Srila Prabhupada never made this bad discrimination. So we must act that way.

Gurudev, excuse me if the letter is very long. Hope it's understandable.

I usually don't reveal much of my mind.

Thank you very much for all your effort and patience.

Your would-be servant

Priya Sakhi dd

HpS//ASA - Nice letter. Expresses curiosities of many people. Thank you. Let us go to another!!! Much fun Sunday morning.
