Regional Representation report 24 (blue boy)

2 years, 10 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are in very good health and that your sankirtan is going very well.

HPS - Ha! Ha! Hare! AGTSP. We are in good health but our eyes, balance, memory etc are going.

I tell you that educational matters have been a bit slow in recent months. As I told you a while ago, I asked the Latin RGB for a hearing to clarify some points concerning the representation service.

Maturesh prabhu was kind enough to grant us a space at his monthly meeting to present our case. It finally happened this morning, Tapana Misra prabhu and I were able to be present, explain who are the regional representatives and what are our responsibilities and duties. The devotees (Jayapataka Swami, Guru Prasad Swami, Bhakti Sundar Swami, Hanuman prabhu, Kaunteya prabhu, among others) were interested in the regional representation program and asked questions about who is in it.

We obtained their support, so a document will be issued shortly that will be presented to the temple presidents so that there are no doubts about what service we have to do. The gears also moved and Guru Prasad Swami said that Mexico should have a representative immediately (despite the fact that I have insisted for two years) and the same with Paramatma prabhu and the Caribbean. All this seems to have a happy ending.

ASA - Ha! Ha! Hare! The Witch will counter attack... but Soldiers of Rama will defeat her again. Thank you.

Personally, I tell you that I have rejoined my Bhakti Vaibhava studies (3rd Canto), this time with Param Padam prabhu. The work that the devotee does is top notch, I knew his program was good, but I didn't know how good.

ASA - Maybe it was not so good a few years ago? Yet, he has persisted and showed us the real BHAKTI in Bhakti Vaibhava and now it is very great???

I have also been very lucky to join a very interesting group of 12 devotees: Baladeva das, Rupa Gosai das, Maha Bahu das, Priya Sakhi dd, devotees from Argentina, Peru, Chile and Mexico, all committed, all inquirers. The course is demanding and Param Padam a very good teacher and best friend.

We continue to live among the mountains, content with our saddhana and the small Jagannatha temple we serve with love and simplicity. Indira Sakti dd is studying Bhakti Sastri with Param Padam das, so Krsna has fulfilled a nice dream.

I hope to tell you more news soon.

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - How did you find the PanAmerican Symposium. We could not stay because of the date was changed at the last minute and we had earlier commitments. Also, we pushed, PUSHED, P U S H E D for translations of everything but did not see any except for ours.

Maybe ASA will do something under its own management???

Thank you!

Canto Three: Vidura x Uddhava x Maitrey >>>> Creation of the World and Manu.