Waldorf School?

2 years, 9 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories To Sri Sri Gour Nitay

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada

All Glories To You

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances, I want to thank You for your answer and Your time.

I hope You are good, Are You going to visit Chile?

ASA - AGTSP. We smile and say, not in our gross body.

I hope I can attend Your programs soon, I want to ask You, what do you think about Waldorf Education?, I'm taking, Abhay, my son, to a Waldorf School, and I'm studying and there is a Philosophy/religion (Antroposofía) behind them, do you know something about that? Mikael...

Patraka is a Waldorf teacher for many years. It seems nice. In the mode of goodness. Have to include direct Krsna Katha in the home life.

Read books together.

Regularly even if it is a little bit.

Especially to Kirtan together.

Thank You so much Gurudeva

Your Servant,

Dhanistha Devi dasi (Yoga) , Santiago Chile