Desire to drink some nectarian instructions from you, Dear Maharaj 🙏

2 years, 10 months ago by ajeshwor in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my humble obeisance... Hare Krishna, Maharaj.

Sometimes I am aware what I suppose to do and react in a certain situation but want to hear and take suggestions personally from an elevated soul like you, Maharaj.

It really empowers me to carry out certain instructions.

I am really a fallen soul, Maharaj. Some past karmas really agitated me when my mind forced me to go through it (especially when some person or incidence comes up before my eyes) .. It is always advised to chant but sometimes my precious time is taken away and killed by such kind of Overthinking.. It is really agitating to me..In addition,I am a new comer in this path.

Please give me some instructions and advices on this, Maharaj..

HpS - As we understand, AGTSP, your situation, it is the same thing we face. We may have vasanas from earlier in this life or previous lives that keep coming back to us and the only solution is to chant Hare Krsna while remember them or go through their reaction.

Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna.

Then the experience gets connected to Krsna.

There is no other solution.

You just have to do it.

If you don't do it perfectly, only 15%, that is O.K. That will lead you to perfecting processing you Vasanas little by little until you are completely free and then, by the mercy of Lord Nityananda you will see Vrndavana Dhama.

Thank you.