Some inquisitive questions

2 years, 10 months ago by ajeshwor in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna.. Maharaj I have some questions as follows..

1) Will people having revolutionary thoughts and making advancement of society in materialistic aspect gets higher planets?

HpS - It depends on what is their 'bhava', consciousness. If improvement means arranging for equal access for everyone to MacDonalds for hamburgers they will probably go to the hell predominated by Rondal MacDonald.

If it means arranging for vegetarian food in the mode of civilized life, then they will get the honor of comming back in human civilization, maybe as a King.

If it is to engage them in Vedic sacrifices, then they might go to Svarga.

2) Is it good or bad to stay inactive in politics as I have heard about Bhismadev keeping silent when so many things happening around him and it is often claimed injustice or some sort of adharma Or sin?

HpS - He remained quiet in the game of dice, disrobing of Draupadi, because Krsna asked him to do that, but in other situations he was very active.

So, like Arjuna, we should be active in politics in terms of how Krsna wants us to be.

In general, if we can help put people in the mode of goodness eg. oppose abortion, then we should give some attention to that, but our real effort should be to always chant Holy Names and distribute Holy Names.
